Second surgery completed today

I am about to have cataract surgery in one eye this week and two weeks from now the second eye will be done. While pretty excited about the really good chance that I will not be needing glasses except for perhaps reading (after 50+ yrs in corrective lenses!), I am wondering about others’ experiences as far as when they were able to get back to the barn and to ride even quietly. I won’t be able to ask these questions until after the surgery according to my surgeon’s office. Guess I should have been more proactive in my last exam when we decided on surgery… anyway, thoughts, comments on anyone’s results (I opted for the ReStor lenses) TIA!:smiley:

Riding should be ok

I am in the situation as you. Although, I did ask about the riding, and that is suppose to be fine. I have lazik, so I assume that my surgery will be a bit more technical. But, I have been riding (and falling) and it hasn’t affected my vision. I am excited about having binocular vision again. My horses won’t know what to do with my having great depth perception again. They have to make most of the decisions now on the jumps.:lol:

Foxhunting should be much more fun, being able to see the details. I am also an artist, and I have missed the beautiful colors. Now I have my own private rainbow halos around bright lights and the moon.

best of luck to you

Thank you… from what the hospital said today, the procedure tomorrow will actually last 6 minutes :yes: - total stay will be 2.5 hours. From what I can tell, the surgeon will discuss restrictions about barn work and riding in recovery.

I hope that you have good luck with your upcoming surgery…

I am doing the same lens as your choice. Good Luck tomorrow!

she’s not a rider, but my 85yo mother just had a cataract done–took 15 mins, and she was told to take it easy and not bend over for a couple days, and wear a shield over the eye to bed for two nights, and since then everything’s been fine.

hope yours goes equally well!

MTK, How are you?

How are you feeling after the surgery? Can you tell us more about it now?

One down, one to go! Results amazing!

Sorry, I should have checked in sooner on this thread… Last Thursday’s surgery was pretty much as they had described although for next Wednesday’s surgery, I may ask for a bit more “happy juice” as I am claustrophobic and the face drape was annoying. However, the results are quite spectacular. I do love the multifocal lens.

I had double vision for a day, still need to wear an eye shield at night for a week (ending tomorrow) and have a bevy of drops to put in during the day.

That said, the day following surgery I was just a hair short of 20/20 (previously 20/250 or so)… and he said that my vision would continue to improve.

I was cleared to ride quietly 4 days later (no high impact exercise for a week) can drive, watch tv and use computer all without glasses, I guess I am currently operating as if I were wearing monovision contacts .

The right eye will be done on Wednesday, Mar 17 (no green beer for me though) - I am going in for a pre-op exam so they can examine the operated eye to “tweak” whatever power lens they will put in the right eye.

So far so good, adjusting to life without glasses will be interesting!


Thanks MTK,
I haven’t gone forward on mine yet. Still getting caught up from previous crises. I am very happy with your report, though. It is so wonderful when you can see detail instead of a muddy blur.

I am looking forward to your next post with great glee!:smiley:

Good luck to you and I hope things settle down so you can get your eyes “fixed”… It will be great to actually see the top rail of a jump or even what’s moving somewhere down the trail!

It would be nice to be able to tell that black lousy mover cantering along side me in the woods isn’t an escaped angus heifer, but a black bear mom with 3 cubs in tow… at least my mare and the bear seemed to know each other, and she politely let the bear have right of way

Seriously? That is amazing… my horse appears to have 360 vision and may just be able to see dead things… but not bears in our part of the woods! He is always seeing palomino-eating deer!

All I need are enough porridge bowls

Seriously! In muddy living color!

By the way, the bears did not leave a fragrance behind. I guess that they weren’t frightened by Wren, which is why I think they know each other. Wren is a very intelligent and courageous trak mare.

Now, deer on the other hand, are always on the suspicious list. Wren always goes on alert for them, deciding at the moment if evasive action is necessary.:eek: Given that my broken back is from being hit by a deer while I was galloping on a big dwb, I appreciate her concern.:smiley:

It would be nice to be able to tell that black lousy mover cantering along side me in the woods isn’t an escaped angus heifer, but a black bear mom with 3 cubs in tow… at least my mare and the bear seemed to know each other, and she politely let the bear have right of way[/QUOTE]

I don’t know - I think I would be happier not to be able to see that clearly:yes:

RG, now that you mention it, there are some bennies to not having excellent vision at times… and a sow bear and cubs, or a rogue heifer would be some examples!

I had cataract surgery at 46…but they did the second eye a year later so I could still read somewhat without reading glasses.
You know you need to get those eyes fixed when you call out “hi honey” to a students father because you think it’s your husband!:lol:
I stayed out of the barn for one day and wore the eye cup with gauze stuffed in the next couple of days. I think I was riding after 4 days.

Second surgery today went well

Everything went well this morning. Being claustrophobic meant asking for more sedation which worked out very well :lol:
We were home by 10 am and I slept most of the day. The right eye has a Rx which should enable reading and computer without glasses. From my experience last time, that might take a bit of time. I was up riding my horse in 4 days and walking on the treadmill in 2… so hopefully that all will continue.

Glad you posted!

I am happy to hear it went well. Things are quieting down enough here that I am screwing up my courage to call for the appt to start the cataract surgery train again. :cool:

You have helped me a lot by posting. I was unsure as to how well I would be doing it. Just plain scared. Dropped the bit and flew back. :eek:

Thank you!

Whicker -For sure, go make the appointment! It really has been such a change for the good. I waited a full year until I was eligible for Medicare before having the surgery… it was a LOOOOONG year really clipped my wings for driving (car) and riding due to compromised vision.
Best of luck…