[I dithered about whether this should be in off-topic. Moderators, if it should be, my apologies! I was inspired to get around to posting this when the topic of selling Breyer horses came up in the other sales thread…]
In the ongoing effort to have a house with more space and less stuff we don’t use, we’re looking at unloading various horse-related stuff, in particular a very large herd of Breyer horses and various old National Horse Show swag people might be amused by.
I’ve heard “hey that stuff is worth money!” way too many times, never of course from anyone who wanted to buy it or with an idea more specific than “put it on ebay!” (Personally I find selling on ebay to be a huge pain in the butt, as these days it all seems much more geared to sellers of generic mass-produced items.)
Any suggestions for where it should land? Really what I’d love to hear is that there’s a consignment auction house somewhere in eastern US horse country that actually specializes in this sort of thing, but the only stuff I’ve seen has been racing related. There are certainly local consignment auctions, too, but I’m thinking if there actually is any collectible value in it all I’m unlikely to find a buyer there. A competent ebay consignment shop might also be a good option, but when I look at the ones I can find their listings are horrendous!
Thanks for any suggestions! (Even if they’re “stop wasting your time, it’s really only good only for the landfill”…)