Maybe we need another thread about tax appeals? Our tax bill went up 40% this year so we appealed on several issues of fact. Like they decreased the deduction for conserved land from 90% to 50% just for us (everyone else in town stayed at 90%). They fixed that. But then after the appeal period they added 1000 square feet to our house (it doesn’t exist and we had a professional company measure it for a sale listing so we know for sure). And for reasons we can’t figure out, they are charging us for 5 building lot acres when no other property in town is charged for more than one, even the property with 12 houses on it. Correcting this to one acre like everyone else would save us $10K per year in tax payments. So, we’re appealing to the state, which should be interesting.
With the real estate market so crazy, we put our property up for sale (major commiseration with those having to prep for pics, videos and potential buyers trooping through). The on-line listing looks fabulous, and we put it on for a very aspirational price. Apparently the assessor decided that was the market value of our farm. It isn’t. No one wants to buy it so we’ve taken it off the market.
But we’re thinking of what we can do because we need to downsize due to age and infirmity. My DH is worried about what I will do without the barn and boarders taking up so much of my time. I’m keeping a smile on my face, but I’m already mourning the loss of this place I know so well and love: the garden filled with plants I’ve collected from friends’ gardens, the house that is way too big but feels like a favorite sweater, and feeling needed to keep the place going. It’s going to be a tough transition but it’s the wise thing to do.