So, uh, we’re closing with the neighbors in 11 days. The neighbors, also dealing with older houses that family has lived in for decades, understand how hard it is to get generations worth of personal property out of a very large house (and to find a new place to live, which has honestly been the bigger issue for me, though my circumstances have improved since we made the agreement), so they’re letting me stay on for a year or two at a nominal fee.
I am about to have so much money - even if it’s mostly derelict, it’s still 220 acres in the midatlantic and in an area that is developing quickly. My brother and I opted for a private sale to the neighbors because we want the land to stay farm land and they need the land to continue farming. And while I need to get myself settled and put most of the money into my retirement accounts, I am also like, “Do I have enough to buy a horse? Or do I have enough to lease a nice to me horse?” Aka, how can I waste this money on horses?
I’m not gonna do it. Okay, I might half lease a fancy-to-me horse once my time is up with my current lease. But I am gonna do my best to just buy myself a nice little townhouse with a small yard, and put the rest of the money in savings. And then I can use my other income to maybe increase my horse budget…
I am still sad and actually very stressed about selling the property and moving out, but for me, I do think in the end it’s a good thing and very freeing. And I’ll wind up with enough money that I can splurge on more things and worry a little less. Also, way less mowing.