SEMINOLE, 14 yr grey Belgian Warmblood G

Hi! I’m looking for info on a horse I bred. He was sold in Virginia in early 2003 or 2004. He’s a 1995, grey, branded (on left hip) Belgian Warmblood gelding. His papered name is SEMINOLE. He may or may not have been sold with his papers. He may or may not be owned by a Kelly Purchase, who has shown him in New York. I do not have contact information for her and google-fu has failed me. I simply want to re-locate him and offer my contact info.


Okay- more info :slight_smile: Sold by Paul and (Lauren?) Tjaden of Tjaden Sporthorses in Virginia on 12-02-02 to a Katherine Johnson.

He may have passed on to a Chrissy Janson/Kristina Janssen (looking at USEF?)?

I do think he may be the Seminole being shown by Kelly Purchase, registered with the USEF. Anyone know her?

My email is landrews8 at gmail dot com.