Hello - I have a 22 year old mare who has poor teeth so is fed a mash year round. In the warmer months she drinks a small amount in addition to her wet food but in the winter she tends to slow down or even stop drinking all together. Between her two feedings I think she’s getting about 6-8 gallons of water per day. My question is: should I be concerned about this?? She seems happy and healthy otherwise (normal poos, normal skin tent test).
Some stuff to note:
-She’s Insulin Resistance, so cannot have any additional sugar
-She’s a normal size QH (about 1000 lbs)
-We live in Vermont where it gets pretty chilly (and I do all her care)
-No other horses have access to her food/water
-She will not eat her food if it’s a soup
Things I have tried to get her to drink more:
-Heated water bucket
-Not heated water bucket
-Alfalfa tea
-Adding a handful of grain to her water bucket
-Adding peppermint extract and sweetening with Stevia
-Blanketing heavy
The only thing that got her to drink once was the alfalfa tea, but after a day she stopped again.
Any thoughts???