Separate section for special events?

Probably really bad form to suggest this right after you just did an update, but–would it be possible to create a separate section for the special events forums, such as off-topic days or the WEG forum.

What I mean is, the Discussion Forums, Technical Assistance, Marketplace all have their own sections, with associated forums listed within those sections. Could special events have a separate section like these? I realize it would only have forums in it when there is a special event going on, or left up for reading after it is closed.

My reason for this request is really trivial, but I’ve been here long enough to know the order of most of the discipline forums, so, for example, I like to click on third-from-the-bottom if I want Horse Care. But if there’s a sepcial event forum added to the bottom, I’ll land in Around The Farm instead. Likewise, at the top, I’ll land in H/J instead of Eventing. I usually adjust after a day or two, but it is a minor irritation until then.

Anyhow, just a thought. As usual, thanks for all of the good work you do maintaining the forums!

Thanks for the suggestion, and we’ve gotten similar feedback before, so you’re not alone.

We’re going to be discussing some forum tweaks in coming weeks (har har), so we may be rearranging some things anyway.

It’s not hard to add a new section, so no worries on that front in terms of the recent update.

Thanks for your feedback!
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