Serge Panels vs Leather For Jumping and XC

My horse loves the serge panels on his dressage saddle. It makes him so much more comfortable. I’m shopping for a saddle for him to use in XC and jumping. The fitter pointed out that the serge might get sweaty. Two other things occurred to me.

Grippy XC saddle pads are generally made to grip leather. If you XC with serge panels, do you find more saddle or pad movement? Does a leather panel offer move “spring” in the seat, helping you stay off of the horse’s back a bit? I can imagine the serge feeling more like falling onto a pile of blankets which is comfortable but you just flop vs falling onto a springy mattress and bouncing back up.

I have a black country jump saddle with serge panels that I love-unfortunately I’m selling it because my guy outgrew it. But, I’ve never noticed a difference in the amount of spring (and I went from a serge panel to a leather panel because that’s just what fit my horse, so I’m comparing these two saddles on the same horse’s movement). I definitely have never had an issue with saddle pads moving around. I see why the fitter would mention the serge getting sweaty, but I’ve also never noticed any more noticeable sweat than a leather panel. I wish I could keep my serge panel saddle, it’s amazing!

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Thank you, that apples-apples comparison is exactly the type of feedback I was hoping to find here!

Agree that they’re amazing for certain horses. Mine can be cold backed when he feels tense and the serge makes a significant difference in how quickly he settles. As long as he doesn’t decide to take a swim in it, I’m not too worried about it getting wet.

Serge can be a real PTA to replace and I do feel like my wool breaks down more quickly because my horse is a heavy sweater. I’d lean leather personally.

I have the opposite. My fitter did not recommend serge panels for dressage saddles unless she said you never make a mistake as the horse will feel everything more. So the dressage saddle is leather paneled, but I’ve only ever had serge paneled jump saddles and I’ve never had any issues with year even 13 years later. That’s using the saddle for eventing and fox hunting where my horse sweats a ton for long times when we’re on big runs. I’ve also never noticed the saddle sliding or shifting, or otherwise not being grippy. Serge was originally designed to not need a saddle pad.


Interesting. I find serge dampening, if anything, and my horse is super sensitive. Maybe the increased comfort negates the sharpness or something.