A few additional comments… from an article on BH.
The horses in the Belmont Park barns of Servis and trainer Michael Tannuzzo, who was also indicted, are currently under the care the New York Racing Association, according to NYRA spokesperson Pat McKenna.
“All of the horses in the affected barns are being properly cared for and actively monitored by the NYRA Safety and Integrity team,” McKenna said.
Lombardi said he was told by NYRA officials that his horses would not be allowed to train March 10, but will be cleared to move to other barns shortly.
“The horses can be walked,” Lombardi said. “Then as soon as all of the horses are taken care of and identified in terms of who they are and who they belong to, I was told they can be moved as early as (Tuesday) afternoon or maybe Wednesday. It’s comforting to know NYRA is on top of it and looking out for the best interests of the horses.”
Lombardi’s ‘big name’ horse ATM is Firenze Fire. Currently Firenze Fire is targeting the Carter Handicap (G1) on April 4 but unclear at this time if he’ll run or not (and definitely with a new trainer).
At Gulfstream Park, where cards for March 11-13 have been drawn, officials said the 10 horses Navarro has entered for those days, along with Servis’ two, would be scratched.
From all indications it is unlikely the three horses Servis entered on Friday’s card at Aqueduct would be allowed to race.
If I, as an owner, had horses with either Servis or Navarro, I would have my horses removed as soon as I could. I get the ‘innocent until proven guilty’ but for me, an indictment of this magnitude would make the decision easy.
Front and center on CNN another article from which I extracted this (could not find this anywhere else but usually CNN does their background research and they had all day on this one…)
This made me just about vomit 
One horse trainer is accused of working with someone else to “quietly dispose of the bodies of dead horses,” rather than report those horses’ deaths to authorities, Berman said at the news conference.
“You know how many fking horses he (Navarro) fking killed and broke down that I made disappear … You know how much trouble he could get in … if they found out … the six horses we killed?” said one co-conspirator on a call that was intercepted by authorities, according to one of the indictments.
Prosecutors did not disclose a total number of horses that were believed to have been killed as part of the scheme.
Really gotta wonder if X Y Jet’s ‘heart attack’ was EPO related.
NB, EPO is the same drug that many pro bicyclists, including Lance Armstrong, have been busted for. It’s not a ‘new’ thing.