Severe Degenerative Disc Disorder,L5 S1

Through xrays it was discovered I have this condition, as well as mild ddd in both sacroiliac joints. It didn’t really hurt before and then I fell in February on the ice and it’s been really bad ever since. The Dr thinks that the fall “woke up” the DDD in my back and that it is unlikely that it will subside to prior levels.

I hadn’t ridden since Feb until this weekend, June 6…I’m blessed with a horse you can leave for long periods of time and he’s fine to get back on…and the walk and trot were ok but the canter was a big NO WAY.

I did 8 weeks of physio, a few weeks of chiro and some massage.

What treatments have you had to deal with this condition that got you back in the saddle? Surgery/fusing is not an option, as they will only do that if you have neurological signs like pains down your legs.

Thanks, NJR

So sorry to hear you are in pain! I was diagnosed with the same (although not severe) about 2 years ago at 20 yrs old. Core strength helps, although I have lost a LOT of my core as it is painful to work on it. Yoga helps some (gentle stretching) and I just do the 20-30 min “back pain” videos on YouTube. I see a massage therapist regularly however she is a myofascial release specialist, not a spa type massage. They are often a little painful during the session but are immensely helpful. I am also seeing a new chiropractor this week. I am able to ride, but often have pain if I ride for long or do any sitting trot, jumping, bareback etc. I am in the process of buying a new saddle as my current one exacerbates the pain, as do my stirrups which I only realized upon trying other saddles/ stirrups. New/ different tack may not make you pain free but might make it where you can at least do a little more! I would suggest getting your own electrostimulation device. I have one and have been using it in conjunction with a heating pad before bed every night. I have also done the steroid injections and they did not work for me. My back was so inflamed that the needle going into my back was excruciating (it still is as I found out this past week during a different medical test). They are a bit like injecting your horse from what I understand - they are a recurring thing.

I have a similar but less severe situation in my lower back and SI joint. I cannot take NSAIDs because of prior kidney damage, but have found that acupuncture is a tremendous pain relief
six or eight acupuncture treatments will leave me pain-free for at least six months, sometimes year

I have discogenic back pain L5/S1. I have been told to have surgery but I am resisting for now. If anything goes wrong, it can’t be undone. I take codeine regularly and do pilates as often as possible. I avoid things that trigger further pain ie driving stick shift car, standing. I have been classified para grade 5 and am LOVING the challenge of competing, and love the support of my crazy new para friends.

I ruptured L4/L5 and L5/S1 three years ago, resulting in paralysis of the back of my right leg. I recovered (and was riding again within 5 months) without surgery. Here’s my regimen:

  • Spinal decompression - 3x weekly for a total of 40 treatments
  • Physical therapy
  • Yoga, using a chair and modifying all poses to be done with a completely flat back
  • Massage
  • Regular chiropractic (after 2 months when inflammation was reduced)

It was hard, painful work but I’m ultimately glad I opted not to do surgery. I now do yoga 3-4 times weekly, still do some of my physio exercises every day and see the chiro every month. I’m fitter than I was in my 20s and have no back or sciatic pain at all.

I have degenerative disc disease pretty bad in L4/L5/S1. I agree that saddle fit and stirrups help (I’ve tried a lot of stirrups) alleviate some pain. As does core strength.

My doctor has broached the surgery topic — I quickly shut him down. It scares me. I have down steroid injections, nerve burns (probably wrong wording…) and tried daily tramadol (went off of it, really wasn’t helping and was not causing more migraines).

Staying moving helps me the most. As does a wide foot bed stirrup. Good luck!!

I have pretty severe DDD of L3/L4, L4/L5, L5/S1. At one time I could barely walk and riding was out of the question. Time is your friend. I now ride regularly, compete when I have time, etc. At the time when the pain was really flaring (as it sounds like it is for you right now), I had a tens unit that helped a great deal. I also slept in my recliner quite frequently.

I do have the pain shooting down down my legs, which comes and goes in intensity. I have had two injections, both of which worked beautifully for a limited time. I take a low maintenance dose of Tramadol (50 mg 2x/day) and 600 mg Gabapentin at night.

Over time, I have learned what triggers my pain and how to avoid those things. I know how to situate myself in bed (which pillows to place where for perfect support and spinal alignment). I know not to put myself in the position to have to stand still for periods of time (worst trigger for me above all else).

Surgery is an option for me if I choose it. Fusion surgery would likely be unsuccessful, but there is a surgery that would likely work for me that involves shaving away bone to make more room for the nerve going down to my legs. At this time, I manage my pain fairly well so I’m not signing up.

When I went through the worst pain years ago and riding killed me, I finally just had to give up trying. After about a year, I was able to ride again with little problem. I wish the same for you.

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L4/L5 here for DDD. Both disks are herniated. I have it injected about once every nine months. The pain management doc does everything using imagery so there are no blind injections. I do PT and stretching exercises every day and keep the core strong. I ice after exercise even if it feels like it is not needed. A TENS machine is also very good to have.

If it flares up I use Ibprofen and Robaxin.

Surgery is also an option but no one I know has had good results from it.

Same here.