Dressage rider here dabbling in jumping. We now have a local series of Outreach shows and I’m toying with the idea of showing in hunters and/or eq just for fun, but I think I need a fuzzy shaped pad. My jumping saddle is an 18" Pessoa monoflap (I know not ideal for hunters, but I’m not changing it anytime soon) with a fairly forward flap. Can anyone point me to a shaped pad that might fit? I do have a super old-school Courbette shaped wool felt pad that is a natural/off white. Would that look wildly out of place?
Also, I have a fancy stitched bridle that is the style with the swell on the noseband and browband. It’s a little older having been bought used from a friend. If I replace it, is this style good for the show ring, or should I stick with the straight brow and noseband? Mare has a larger WB head, so I’d think a wider noseband will look best.
Here we are with said saddle and bridle. This pad is a large LeMieux mesh pad. Not looking to spend tons since this is our second discipline, but also don’t want to show up looking like I have no idea what’s going on