shattered thumb...riding plans??

So - I shattered my left thumb and crushed 2 joints in my right foot on 9/21.

Had surgery (9/24) on the thumb to pin it all back together and screw tendon back on.

To add to my problems, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Raynaud’s Disease (among several other things…)
So…healing very slowly.

Just had pins removed and the Dr said, for normal people, maybe 5-6 more weeks for bone to fill in-more like 8-10 for me.

B/c the Raynaud’s the numbing medicine wouldn’t go down my thumb for pin removal (circulation shut off), so he did it without…and had a REALLY hard time getting pins out.

Thumb is just as angry and swollen and sore after pin removal as it was after surgery. Very bruised.

On a positive note, I go to PT 3xweek to help out with swelling and range of motion work.

So…has anyone had this type of hand injury???
What was your outcome?? How long did it take before you could actually use the reins?? Any ideas for adaptations, so I can get back in the saddle sooner???

Right now I’m only allowed in the barn to pat noses…not allowed to carry any weight or exert myself at all. Dr keeps saying “check in 2 week and then we’ll talk about it.”

To add to it all, very excited to have a new horse, but I haven’t ridden her yet!!!

WAS being a good patient, but starting to not see the light at the end of the tunnel…

clutz that I am, I had 2 major hand rehabs. I was lucky that for the first one, I was leasing an older horse that was out of shape, he was fine to ride w/t one handed. My current horse, I rode one handed during the second rehab and had lunge lessons. I am sooo lucky in that she is the world’s calmest horse and would love nothing more that to be a western pleasure horse (we do Hunters and Eq; she loves the jumping but is lazy on the flat).

the most frustrating thing was when the fractures where pretty much healed but the mobility took a loooong time. I went to an excellent hand clinic for PT. if your PT is not a hand-specialist, find one that is and also ask for stuff you can do between visits.

I am so sorry that you have a new horse and cant ride her, that really sucks! hopefully you will be in each other’s lives for a long time and this will pass. take care of your self,

Ouch! Sorry this is still lingering. You really should try riding one handed. It isn’t just for Western. Dressage masters have been riding one handed for centuries. Your horse will figure it out. If you don’t have good outside rein control over turning, you can cross the reins under his neck so he understands the connection between the neck pressure on one side and the bit pressure on the other. I hope you manage to have a Merry Xmas anyway. At least you won’t have to do the cooking. :stuck_out_tongue:

I shattered my left ring finger. My surgery took 3 hours. One of the pieces of bone was floating and because of this, the pins kept bending when they went in. I had to have my finger cut open and screwed back together with teeny tiny screws. After surgery, I had to wear a splint on my finger and go to OT. I cannot, even manually, bend my finger all the way. I was out of the saddle for months because there was a risk of tendon damage. Also, the doctor told me if I rode before I was properly healed & fell off, there wouldn’t be enough area to re-screw the finger together. I wasn’t even allowed to longe a horse!

Wait until the final check when the doctor tells you to go ride! The risk is not worth the reward/possible reinjury!

Thanks for the input!

I’m now wearing a splint/brace and allowed out into the barnyard again!

Not allowed to ride b/c the doctor said, if I re-injure I could possible lose the use of the thumb. He said we’re looking at March…yikes!

My insurance, unfortunately, doesn’t pay for OT, but I do go to PT 3xweek. He said he’s going to hang on to me until I’m able to perform to MY daily standards, which, for me, includes barn chores and riding. So that’s a relief!

Unfortunately, my RA has attacked the joint, so it is huge and not coming along as planned…but that’s life. Rheumatologist increased my anti-rheumatics to see if that would help.

PT works on the scars each visit and then I do range of motion exercise and just started with strength building. He even set me up with “reins” to work on thumb control of the reins!

My new mare is in training, so that at least ONE of us can be in shape when I’m allowed back in the saddle!!

I also got to take a pony ride on her the other day!! My best friend led us around - she has the BIGGEST, swingiest walk!!

Sounds like you have a cool PT! Are you able to ride yet? It felt like forever when I shattered my ring finger, but the fear of having nothing left to screw together kept me off the horses! I did lose the use of the finger despite OT, but I can bend it manually and it stays where I put it. Kind of weird…and yes, it is as strange in person as it sounds :winkgrin: