Sheikh Mohammed's Wife Haya Seeks Asylum in Germany

I’m well aware of my opinion on what folks know and don’t know and their life experiences :slight_smile:

I was simply pointing out that snaffle did, at one point, say people were lining up to work for Godolphin (#22). Yes, I am sure we all consider the poster when we ‘mentally’ evaluate the quality of a statement. OTOH, if one makes a statement, one should be prepared to have that statement quoted for veracity, no?

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Ya know, we have no idea whether you do either.


If you can’t figure it out, you don’t have it.

We can’t figure out what you don’t have? Well, there you have it! :winkgrin:

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no, Palm Beach is just Assuming things.

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Some things are very obvious.

I see the Chronicle has an article up now. I hope that wherever Haya is, she has a horse to hug.

Yeah, and 1300 years MAX, not thousands. Islam is the youngest of the Abrahamic religions by several centuries and took even longer to settle into a (couple different) defined forms. And unlike 1300 years ago it’s not like they aren’t exposed to cultures with extremely different views on human rights.

I’m sure he has nice horses and that means he’s probably got a lot of good people working for him. But there’s a lot that’s problematic about doing business with Middle Eastern potentates.


That article is really going to chap his hide. I’m glad they included the information about his doping violations.


@snaffle1987, people who live in Democracies are not spoiled. People who live under dictatorships are oppressed. :slight_smile:


Thank you for that. We agree. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I doubt he reads COTH.

To be utterly fair, the TB ones weren’t his violations–they involved horses owned by him and there is a distinction in racing. He may not have known about it and as I recall, that trainer lost his position pretty quickly when it was found.


Perhaps. But there are many people living and working in Dubai who would argue that. Dubai is one of the wealthiest places in the world. There are plenty of people, including myself, who think the English crown is tainted as well. I am very close friends with people who hold citizenship in countries in the middle east, have lived in some of the worst places on Earth, and currently live in America. They will tell you to your face that Americans, Canadians, Europeans are spoiled. Spoiled in the idea that they have never had to see the other side of things or know what it’s like. Much like lesser-wealth people calling rich people spoiled; when the Rich people in question have never had to experience the other side of the coin

Those like Americans are very fortunate to have grown up in a country with rights, a constitution, laws and freedoms that protect the individual. Many of them take it for granted and believe its a birth right to a human to be born into such rights/freedoms. Its not. You got lucky and this country only exists because a group of New England farmers decided to defend their beliefs against the crown. Dictatorships, Kings, Queens, Rulers, Emperors, have had control over societies for thousands of years.

I am not defending him but the man has done a lot of good for his country and others during his time as a leader.

As for his daughter, Latifa, the entire situation is weird and disturbing and yes, I believe she should be free to do as she pleases if she wants to leave. but Haya defended the actions of her husband and put on a facade during that debacle to essentially hold her hostage.

I view the Sheikh like the royal crown, only in muslim based faith. No one really knows what goes on behind closed doors. He’s a combination between royalty and a mob boss. He has massive investment portfolios and oversees a port authority and a global portfolio of businesses. Whether you like it or not, the man has more money than he knows what to do with and he essentially can do as he pleases. His first wife, and the first lady of Dubai is his first cousin with whom he has 12 kids. He is married to at least 6 women and has over 30 children. The majority of his daughters are married to their own cousins.

According to recent statements made by Bin Rashid, there is claims by him that his wife, Haya, cheated on him. “Go to whomever you have been busy with, don’t care if you die.”

So if she did cheat on him, and she knew he found out, she likely ran for fear of punishment.

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Only snaffle would try to America shame Americans the day before Independence Day.


snaffle, you wear me out with your lecturing, your assumptions, and your numerous fallacies.

Yes, I am fortunate to have been born in America with the freedoms that my ancestors fought for–but that doesn’t make me spoiled, or unaware that not everyone shares my good fortune. (small history lesson, most of the people who fought for the rights we currently enjoy weren’t “New England farmers”.)

You are not the only person here who knows citizens of other countries even gasp the Middle East. I think we’re all competent to draw our own conclusions on this semi-political debate without you telling us what we should believe.


:applause: Well said LaurieB.

Thank you and happy Independence Day!!! (yes, tomorrow :slight_smile: ).


@snaffle1987, you are pontificating about something you really don’t seem to understand (even your take on American history is flawed).

You are entitled to your interpretation about life in the UAE but please spare the people here who know better. Are you aware of the circumstances surrounding the Sheikh’s late son? I doubt it.

You think that the UAE is full of happy workers?…roblem-2018-12


My spoiled ass spent 2 hours doing barn work (starting at 5 AM), 2 hours mowing, 1 hour spraying weeds, and now I have to do a few loads of laundry because it was so hot this week I sweated so much all my clothes got soaked through. Oh yeah, and I worked too.

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Then he’s in good company. I mean, c’mon…one could say the same thing about so many U.S. racing families, trainers, track officials, and the many known cheaters in our racing, etc.

Princess is the daughter of a king of Jordan. It’s not like she was not familiar with middle eastern culture and customs…daughters of rulers marrying other rulers is not unusual. She also knew she would not be the 1st wife. There were others and she knew about them.

Maybe she outgrew the culture and found it suffocating…maybe her consciousness was raised, for the better, and she learned something from her experiences. People do develop and change. I wish her the very best.

In the U.S. which is being touted here as above it all, but if you have visited any domestic abuse shelters, most women in the U.S. are not lucky enough to “escape” with millions of dollars when they flee. Neither are the millions of children who are “trafficked” in the U.S. (when the subject of children camel jockeys came up a few years ago, I had to point this out.)

I wish her the very best…and glad she is seeking happiness and freedom…but I also hope she will make some hefty donations to women’s shelters across the land of wherever she ends up. They could really use some help.