Sheikh Mohammed's Wife Haya Seeks Asylum in Germany

Yes he is one of many corrupt people in racing.

However, he happens to be a dictator with the power to imprison and inflict capital punishment upon his “subjects” without trial and is thus, unfortunately, capable of much greater harm to human rights than any racehorse trainer, from any country, will ever be.

As I have mentioned, no one in their right mind believes Haya is an ignorant bumpkin. She studied at Oxford.

Of course women are abused in the U.S. I don’t think anyone posited the opposite.


She was also 29 when she married him. I’d like to think that at that age and with her education and experience, she knew what she was getting into.

Maybe she didn’t know how bad it could/would get. She also married the Sheikh in 2004 which does predate both attempted escapes by the Sheikh’s daughters.

Sheikha Latifa attempted to flea just last year (2018).

Sheikha Shamsa attempted to flea in 2000 and was captured in London.

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Yes, peoples behavior issues can certainly get worse over time. It’s good that she got out now.


Shamsa tried to escape before the marriage. Apparently she hasn’t been seen in public in the 19 years since, or so I read on one of the tabloids…

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I don’t know… it’s a little hard to believe that he wasn’t aware of this.…ry-drugs-dubai Especially as it occurred after his horses were found to be doped and the trainer was banned. Note that “an internal investigation” was ordered by him. The UK customs authority was not going to make any more waves than absolutely necessary.


I can almost guarantee that he doesn’t. However, the few egotistical “wealthy big shots” that I’ve known, the ones that care very much about their image, have an employee (or several) that are responsible for press cutting.

I have no idea if the Sheikh does this, however he does care about his image. His employees may prefer to keep bad press from him. He is not an employer to whom you want to deliver bad news.

Haya certainly tried to make the best of his bad press and he has (obviously) not appreciated her hard PR work on his behalf.

It is not surprising, when a dictator demands and receives absolute obedience and loyalty, in criminal as well as personal and professional relationships, that those loyalties are not reciprocated. He truly believes that he is entitled to do as he pleases. :frowning:

New story in The Guardian. Not much new in the story.

Haya is 45yrs and he is 70yrs.

Haya is his 7th wife and he already had 28 kids prior to the two he got with her.

I bet she knew what she was going into at 28yrs…
She knew she didn’t have much choices.
This was an arrangement between the two royal families of Dubai and Jordan.


I have worked for Darley America and no they don’t just hire anybody. There’s employees that have been there for many many years. The pay is better than the average farm but it also depends on which Darley farm you’re working on and division. Each farm has their own way of taking care of business. There’s no drugs on the farm and if and only if a horse truly needs certain meds they will get it from the vet. They use a lot of natural and cutting edge therapy to take care of the horses. Also more than half of the horses on the property do not belong to Darley but to friends of the family.

A typical day at the one I worked at that had yearlings at the time would go like this. In the morning we would clean the stalls of the american sales horses that were turned out after hours. Then we bedded down the side of the barn that was cleaned the night before. (we alternated sides to be cleaned or picked) Then we waited for everyone else from all the other barns to show up and together we would bring in horses at each barn. When that was done we would groom, knock-off or bathe the horses. Some days the American sales horses would go on the walker. After that was done we would give them grain and go to lunch. After lunch we all gather again to turn out the horses then back to the barns to clean/pick stalls. After cleaning the barn we would sales prep the A.S. horses and then call it a day.


Thanks for letting us know how the schedule works at Darley. It’s nice that you have had a good experience working for the Sheikh.
I’m hopeful that ,unlike his female relatives, you are allowed to leave if you choose to do so.

Unfortunately the women in his family are not allowed that freedom. They do as they are told, or else, and they have no rights under the law, because in the UAE he is the law.