Shock Therapy in People

After reading about the shock therapy treatments going on in the horse world (for better or worse, depending on how it’s used) - I was wondering if anyone has had shock therapy for an injury? I have had a very painful, sore wrist and
hand for several months. I’ve just finished doing several weeks of PT with ultrasound therapy. I am also taking KeraFlex HA (which has been very helpful) as well as Boswellia and OTC meds as well as Tramadol for pain. I am pretty sure I did some damage to my hand and wrist and fractured a finger when I came off a mare that reared and used my hand to help “break” the fall. I’m not sure exactly what I’ve damaged, but I’m sure some arthritis is involved. I have lost strength and dexterity and using it to any degree without wearing a brace is difficult and painful and even with a brace, compromised. I feel sure it’s ligament, tendon, soft tissue injuries – can anyone comment on whether or not shock therapy would be any help and more or less beneficial than PT with ultrasound? I am doing some exercises and certainly use this hand alot with my horses, housework, etc. The article in
the recent issue of COTH just made me wonder –

Have you tried cold lazer?

Or a TENS unit? Or is that what you mean by shock therapy - I usually think brain for that. :wink:

I had it on Thursday. They insert dry needles and attach a unit that applies a shock to the muscle. I have a really bad case of piriformis syndrome. It worked great. This is the first weekend that I have been absent of spasms in 6 months. Of course that is combined with my PT stretching and exercises.

Are you talking Electro acupuncture like Shadytrake is talking about? I have had that for back and neck pain. It did help me more than tens treatment or regular acupuncture. Interestingly, like tens, I couldn’t feel the “shock” in all areas, nor did all muscles react to the treatment.

Shock therapy isn’t the same as ESWT. That is used for depression and other mental illnesses. I have used it on horses a few times and wasn’t real impressed. Here is some info.

I have used shockwave on my elbow for tendinitis. It helped tremendously!

I have used TENS units and acupuncture, both manual and electric for different issues. I was referring to the kind of shock therapy you can read about in the latest COTH issue being used on horses for tendon, ligament, etc. issues. Mroades – what kind of doctor used the shock therapy for you? I have an orthopedic specialist – not sure who to call! Thanks –

a horse vet…lol

but I did look it up and it was an approved therapy for people

I know this is an old thread but I have recently undergone shockwave therapy for plantar fasciitis. Hurt like hell but really made a big difference when all else had failed.

Only reason they don’t use it more in humans is the insurance companies in general won’t pay for it

I too had it on my feet and lower legs, done by a podiatrist.

I’ve had a tens unit for years. Really helps heal injuries. I guess it brings more blood to the damaged soft tissue.