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Shockwave for Ulcer Treatment?

I just had the opportunity to see a very interesting presentation on a new technology (sound wave therapy) which apparently has very good results healing deep tissue injury as well as external wounds. Has there been any research on any kind of shockwave therapy being used for ulcer treatment (standalone or not)?

Hmmm, I’m trying to understand how SWT could impact ulcers in the stomach… I’m curious what made you wonder about this!


“The treatment is loud and can be uncomfortable”
I’m guessing this will aggravate ulcers, if anything.

Reducing the intrinsic acid level in the stomach, or somehow coating the ulcer sites seems to be vital in healing gastric ulcers. Without that, resolution is difficult.

Perhaps outside mechanisms can be helpful if the internal environment is also addressed, but I’d think that how deep the stomach is in the body to be a deterrent, and for nearly all ulcers, pharmacology provides resolution, so why would you go to the expense and difficulty of adding additional treatment?