shot in the dark

Hi, I know this is probably a long shot - but I purchased a pony last fall from a lady in Lancaster Co. and was not given any history at all on him. Was wondering if anyone knows this pony, and might be able to put some pieces together.

He is a Welsh cross gelding, grey, app. 13.3 h. named “Blue”, 4 white feet, easy keeper, big bodied. He obviously has some training, and I was told he was 10 y.o., but looking at his teeth, I’m guessing closer to 12 -13. All i know of his background is that the people I bought him from got him from Hartranft Horse sales in Ephrata, PA. The only distinguinshing trait I could give would be a bump on his nose, like some Arabs have (some call it a moose nose or elk nose). Here is a facebook link to his picture:

Any information would be appreciated!