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Should horse shows be cancelled for the next month?

I called our NGB yesterday to inquire as to whether shows could cancel without penalty. There is a breed show scheduled for this weekend in my area. The policy is that it is up to individual show to decide but there would be notations made on the shows’ records so that the ‘cancellation two years in a row will negate the protected date’ rule would not ‘count’ any cancellation made due to the events of this week.

I was thinking about this, too, not just about the cancellation of horse shows, but the Emmys, the Latin Grammys, etc.

While it would seem callous to continue as if nothing had happened, my personal feeling is that the terrorists were attacking our way of life, as well as their specific targets. It seems to me that the more we disrupt our lives, the more success we are granting their efforts.

Maybe as we try to get back to normal, we could make an effort to donate a percentage of entry fees or other expenses to the Red Cross or Salvation Army at each show or event we attend for the next month. If we’re lucky enough to be able to go to a show, we should remember those who are not so fortunate.

Wow, Weatherford! That is wonderful!!

There doesn’t seem to be a right answer here. If you cancel, you contribute to the disruption of society that is the goal of terrorism. If you go on, it seems like frivolity in the face of suffering.

I am scheduled to ride in a dressage show Saturday. It has not been cancelled. We are scheduled to hold a hunter show at my farm on Sunday. I called the VHSA and asked if they had made a decision about their sanctioned shows. They say none have been cancelled, so it seems that the going consensus is to carry on. Don’t know if that is wrong or right. So, we’re holding the show. I won’t be surprised or disappointed if it isn’t very well attended.

I was at my barn’s final show in its schooling series today. Obviously, the show was on, but we did observe a minute of silence before the first class.

The animals were still, the music was off, and we all reflected on just how d*mn lucky we are to be afforded the freedom to devote a beautiful, cloudless late summer day to something that brings us together and makes us happy.

What made it more striking was the sound of the small twin-engine plane that happened by overhead during that minute. It took my breath away.

It’s a lot like nuts and bolts - if the rider’s nuts, the horse bolts!
~The Horse Whisperer

I think out of respect we should cancel shows at least for the next week…maybe more. I think it is a great idea to try to remain doing the usual things but sporting events seem more like a celebration and it just doesn’t seem right to celebrate when we have so many other things to do and people that need help. Maybe horse shows could promote proceeds or ask for donations toward the Red Cross if they feel they must go on. I think that if they put the proceeds to a good cause to help those victims and there families–it could be a reason to keep the shows going. Just a thought.

Thats just unbelievable Weatherford. What a wonderful display of human compassion.

I think that it is important for people to get on with their lives. As with any greiving process, there just comes a time when you have to move on and draw strength from what you have experienced. Some friends and I were talking about this last night actually, wondering what we would do if we went to war and would we ever return to the life that we knew on monday?

I’m glad the ACC canceled all of the college football games this weekend. Its hard for me to see myself cheering on Clemson when right now the main thought in my head is that all of those people died in NY and DC. One of my professors sent out an email today that said todays test has been cancelled, he’d gotten too many emails from students who said they just couldnt focus enough to study. Hes a CIA agent, he had friends that died in the Pentagon, and sadly, he understands all too well.

I say give it a week… or two. But we have to pick up where we left off and show those idiots that we wont stand for it.

I agree with Merry. Let the shows go on, but have a moment of silence/respect.

Cancellation of some of the “big” events (baseball games, Emmy’s etc.) may be due, at least partially, to the logistics of moving people around the country or the fear that having a large group of people together would make an excellent target.

While there is much tragedy. I feel that unless the people are needed to help in the rescue, we should continue as normal as possible. You can do your best in the honor of the lost and missing, a silent prayer or thought for them before you start the show. This way you honor their memory and show the world that they may have hit us hard but we did not fall and we go on.
Of course it is the individuals choice not to show but the event should go on – maybe not as festive.

Just my feelings on this.


The Gold Cup at Devon is still going on, I believe it starts either today or tomorrow.

I just had one of my judges call and say she would come if we held the show, but she felt it would be more appropriate to be in church. I’m not religious, but I really can’t argue with that.
I think I’m going to have to cancel the show.

It is a hard choice.

Our way of life has been attacked. I think we should defy that. Getting together at shows is a way to comfort each other. We shouldn’t honor those who have died alone. The equestrian comunity is so tight knit; what better way to honor everyone than to get together as a group?

I do think a moment of silence should be observed and the national anthem played at the begining of the shows.

“No One Trains For Second

I don’t think that we as Americans should allow the terrorists to put this country into a lockdown police state because if we do they WIN!

They want to show us how vulnerable and weak we are and that we can’t handle the hardships they have had to endure.

I believe life needs to get back to normal as soon as possible. The big national events had to cancel because of plane transportation being totally incapacitated. We should show our confidence in our government by flying our flags and we should go on with life as usual.

While those who have suffered losses deserve to be respected I think we do that best by NOT letting the terrorists accomplish their ultimate purpose of destroying our world of freedom and security.

These would be the only reasons justifiable for cancelling shows I think…

All mental health care professionals agree that returning to normalcy is the BEST course of action for people in a troubling/traumatic situation or crisis. A lot of children/young adults horse back ride and show; by cancelling the show you are reaffirming in their minds that the world is coming to an end.

This “we will survive” attitude was evident as NYC schoolchildren–many of whom are missing parents or guardians or whose apartments are covered in rubble or below Canal Street–returned to school today. If the children of the attacked city can regain strength by returning to school, horse show managers must keep shows running for the children and riders accross the US to return to normalcy.

Emily proud
member of the junior clique!

After you cancel horse shows, what else do we cancel? every sporting event? Schools? Dentist appointments? Gynocology appointments? Shut down the mall?
Come on. Let’s LIVE.
What will stopping the wheels show our kids? We’re losers? We’re chicken? We give up? Blow up some more buildings? You win. We’re losers.

Let’s keep going. My father did not fight in the Pacific for me to sit on my ass in the living room and hide. We have to stand up, brush off the dirt and KICK SOME ASS.

My grandfather (a physician) was hidden by the French resistance throughout the entire war. A whole war! He stitched up thousands of men, and probably women. He was in a dark hole for years! He died in a FREE France! Not a German colony!

My mom watched Paris crumble. She gave blood yesterday and she’s as “old as the hills!”
We are going on with their lives, crying as we go, but … WE CANNOT SURRENDER!


while I agree that life should get normalized as soon as poss.I think fun events this weekend should be cancelled.I know I could not give my best if I was competeing.My brain is fried with this awful situation.

That some organizers have decided to cancel events for the next few weekends. Unfortunately, they don’t list any of the events set to be cancelled.

I am scheduled to ride in an event on Sunday. Part of me still wants to go and escape from all this horror by doing something so ordinary and normal. Another part of me can’t imagine concentrating enough to effectively ride my horse in the event, not to mention the consideration that maybe I shouldn’t be out doing something frivilous while others are in so much misery.

I like the idea of a flag on my saddle pad. I think I’ll have to go look for one tomorrow just in case we get to ride Sunday.

I sent an e-mail to the organizer of the event in which I am supposed to ride. I guess I’ll have to see what they say.

I called our NGB yesterday to inquire as to whether shows could cancel without penalty. There is a breed show scheduled for this weekend in my area. The policy is that it is up to individual show to decide but there would be notations made on the shows’ records so that the ‘cancellation two years in a row will negate the protected date’ rule would not ‘count’ any cancellation made due to the events of this week.

I think it’s a splendid idea for horse shows to have a moment of silence for the victims, maybe play the National Anthem, and take up a collection to forward to the Red Cross. Yes, we need to continue with our lives, but with a renewed sense of patriotism and compassion for those personally affected by this tragedy.

“Charter Member of the Baby Greenie Support Group of North America”

We are free to follow our own conscience the best we can. But, because you may not wish to attend does not mean it should be cancelled. What we are defending is our individual right to do what we believe is right.