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Should we buy? Farm Layout

I had actually added that but forgot to save the last copy. One round pen option is next to the barn and the other requires going through the arena. (Picture gates and fencing where they need to be.) Driveway could have a loop for trailer parking and entrance to the ring for dragging.

ETA: If you don’t mind hiking to the arena, my preference would be using the second paddock down from the north or across the driveway in the upper left corner of the south field. Both look to be cleared and I’d rather have horses near the barn than the ring. I’d rather have the round pen close to the barn, though.

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You have a talent for this! Haha

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Oh I really love this, thank you! I love how you organized everything and thank you for clearing up my confusion lol. Everything on this property is cleared and flat so placement of round pen and arena does not really matter. It will just be for ease of use where they are put.

It helps that I already have a plan in mind for a property shaped like this, except it’s for goats and chickens. LOL

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Do the stalls open to the dry lot or do the horses have to walk down the aisle? It’s hard to understand scale and I forgot there was an area east of the house where the round pen could go. I think location really depends on if you are the lunge and ride type or lunge in place of ride.

Since you have the benefit of already being on the property, I would really start thinking about what you don’t like and envisioning how it could be more efficient. For me, the south pasture would only be perimeter fenced and horses go out there to stay for periods of time when they aren’t in consistent work. One of the best field board situations I saw had covered standing stalls the horses came into once a day for food and a good look over. It wasn’t anything fancy but it really was the best of both worlds for horses that needed time to eat.

The stalls open to the dry lot. I definitely am the person to ride 3/4 days a week and lunge the rest. I like to do both. I like the idea about the south field. At the moment, I have 2 riding horses and 1 retired gal. That would be nice to separate them once we have more.

Okay a couple questions.

  1. how many fields do you want? What size fields do you like? (personally, I like larger fields)
  2. Do you like having all the fields connected and having to walk through them to get to the next? (I hate that!!!)
  3. Hay storage? Tractor storage? Deliveries? Drainage!!! Also think about “work flow”

Please ignore the lack of scale, and the lack of alignment… This is a general idea of what I might do…

Thank you for the picture! To answer your question, I definitely want medium sized pastures for ease or rotation and ease of poop picking. I like having all of the fields connected at a central pint(dry lot ideally). Hay storage is in the attic of the barn, tractor storage is where the green arrow is. Drainage is literally the best at this place. We have has several storms resulting in over 4 inches of rain and while everyone else was flooded, our puddles went away in a few hours and we were just left with a bit of mud.

I was trying to make the dry lot the “center” with the three fields connecting. As someone else mentioned, think about the future in regards to the surroundings (the neighbors, road, etc), but also if/when someone else does your barn.
good luck!