Shoulder blues Ridiculous update!

Now that some of the shock has worn off from my diagnosis I will stop hijacking the hip thread. They originally thought I had a torn labrum and said there were two ways to fix it and they would decide which to use once they saw the condition of the tissue. Now that we know I also have a rotator cuff tear the labral repair is limited to one option.

I know way more about hip procedures than I ever wanted to but would love to hear from those of you with shoulder issues for tips and tricks. Surgery is June 3, about 36 hours after we get back from Switzerland. Thanks in advance shoulder sisters!

Laurie: You mean you are having a tenodesis and not a tenotomy?

Sorry to hear about your shoulder. I had a shoulder repair last August. I had a bunch of things fixed in it - subscapularis tendon repair(which is part of the rotator cuff), bursitis removal, spur removal, frayed labrum repair and tenotomy (the one where they cut it and don’t reattach it).

The first week is bad. It gets better after that. The vicodin made me nauseous (as it does many people); I found the percocet much better.

You might want to see if they can give you an antinausea med in with the anesthesia, to make recovery easier.

Do you have a recliner? I slept in one for near a month as when I laid down the pressure on the shoulder was too great.

You doctor might hook you up with an ice machine, like this:

They want you icing a lot at first. I could only use the above machine for a fraction of the time I was supposed to, as I found it put too much pressure in the area. So, I also used lighter, gel bead type, frozen ice packs half the time, so you might want to have a few of those around too.

Do you have a low or high pain tolerance, btw?

I’m glad I did it. Well, I really had no choice, though. Recovery is long and I did PT for about 4 months. My doctor told me I wouldn’t feel normal in that area for a year and it seems he’s right.

Is Switzerland a vacation? If so, how awesome!

I think that is the right name for the procedure but you might be right. I have my pre-op appointment on the 18th so I will clarify. He definitely said they reattach it somewhere though. I have been told I have a high pain tolerance but would rather not have pain at all if possible.
I had both my hips operated on in 2014 so we have the drill down pretty well as far as nausea meds and such. Percocet makes me sick too.
Yes Switzerland is a vacation otherwise they probably would have schedule me for the surgery this month. What a mess. Glad you are on your way to recovery and thanks for the insight. I will ask about the machine you linked.

“He definitely said they reattach it somewhere though.”

I believe it would get reattached to the head of the humerus. My surgeon told me they don’t typically reattach the biceps tendon in people over 50 (meaning me). You might have different things going on than I or are younger, so that may be a reason why your guy wants to reattach it. The jury still is out, it seems, on if you are actually weaker without it being reattached. I believe we have two biceps tendon attachments per biceps tendon. Some say the other attachment of the biceps tendon is really the most useful one and the one they cut (un-attach) - not so much. As for it bunching up and looking funny if not attached, as you may read about, he told me it’s very, very rare. He said you’d see that most commonly, if ever, in men with big muscles.

Thanks for the well wishes! Well wishes to you, too. Please do update along the way and have a great trip.

Recovering from shoulder surgery is a real pain, literally. Ice packs will be your friend. And I agree, if you have a recliner, it will be much easier to sleep in than a bed. Get some oversized shirts to wear during recovery. At first, you’ll probably want button front shirts. You won’t be wearing a bra for awhile! Wear pull on pants because they are much easier to deal with when only one arm is working.

I don’t have a recliner but could probably duplicate one with pillows on the couch if necessary. I bought this thing but it isn’t here yet, I am hoping I can sleep in my bed with that.{keyword}&utm_campaign=BedLounger&mkwid=salcnFQZf&crid=94515185885&mp_kw=&mp_mt=

I slept on the couch for 3 months following a 4-part humeral fracture (shattered the head in the shoulder). You need to accommodate your sling and find a place to rest your shoulder/arm so it doesn’t violate the doc’s movement requirements. I love me some vicodin and ice for shoulder recovery. It will suck. A lot. But drugs and ice and rest are your best friends. I found my elbow area and forearm got very crampy and massaging it really helped. Stay ahead of the pain–take your meds on schedule, because reaching the point of needing them means you’ll suffer needlessly. I sound like a addict–but I’ve had a ton of surgeries and you learn by experience.

Just in case your pillow set up doesn’t work, this is a decent, inexpensive option. It is actually what I used.

I was able to get a bra on by hooking it in the front of my body, then turning it. Somehow I got the bad arm in without lifting. Be careful, though, cause in the beginning they probably won’t want you raising your arm, so you don’t pull a screw out.

Get some spray antiperspirant as that is easier to use than a roll on.

The good arm goes in the sleeve of the (really) big button down shirt but the other arm stays in the sling at your side and you button over it.

Just fyi, right now, at nine months out, I can finally put my hand behind my back on it’s own. It’s not 100 percent but a few months ago I was wondering if I’d ever regain that motion. They say that is the last motion to come back.

I actually have one of those. Good idea!

You might need to prop the bottom or put your feet, which overhang the end of the chair a bit, on the couch as the dial didn’t always hold too well.

Not what you are having but shoulder=rotator cuff hacks …

Glad Press’n Seal[B] … for keeping it dry while showering !

Large size underwear and sweatpants for easier in and out.

I cut a few Tshirts from hem to and on up through arm sleeve …slip on over my head … ( cut on side directly under arm.) then secured with a ribbon or piece of duct tape [/B]:lol:[B]

Sock applicator and a ‘picker-upper’ will help also …

Take out menus … current ones …

and with any and all shoulder surgeries [/B]:eek:… Stay in front of the pain ! :yes:[B]
Time to take meds … TAKE MEDS !

Good Luck … Jingles !

*the next time I have to have ‘anything shoulder’ I’m going to have a coyote chew my arm and shoulder off instead of the surgery and rehab…[/B]:lol:[B]

that said

I know you will be tough and come through this just fine ( without losing your mind) !


** Purchase a nice nice leather recliner ! before this ‘event’ !

Honestly ~ I would highly recommend that you splurge on yourself and purchase a fancy leather recliner before this :eek:‘EVENT’!

YOU will not regret it …

Get a really nice one … think $5,000.00 REALLY !!!

Dark Cherry Red or Saddle Brown or * Taupe :D:yes:

or perhaps two matching leather recliners * one for the bedroom and one for the grand room …:cool:

Really Laurierace … a recliner is a ‘must have’ with shoulder surgery …

I’m sorry you are involved in this …

Yeah there is no way we can splurge on a recliner. We have a 6k deductible on our health insurance and 20% copay. If I really need it we have a gross old sectional in the basement that has a recliner in it. We could just bring that part of it upstairs. I am really hopeful that thing I bought and linked above will work. It is for post op supposedly. Comes with a 60 day trial so I can send it back if it doesn’t work.

I’ll send you one of mine ~

I had a double mastecomy the last week of 2015. The suggestions for recovery about the same as for you above. Everyone suggested a recliner. I was stubborn, and thought no, but so wish I could have. I also thought the couch would work with lots of pillows, etc. I ended up having a surgical infection, and then a respiratory infection about the same time (believe a visiting nurse brought it :mad:).

I usually recover quickly from most illnesses/procedures, but not this time. Was on the couch for the most part, but the problem with that was, I was sleeping facing one side most of the time. And the couch, although expensive, isn’t really great support for sleeping. I’ve fallen asleep on it hundreds of times, but being on it for a long period of time didn’t turn out well. I ended up with sciatica, which I had never had - and that was the worst part of recovery - although it could have been creeping up on me…

However, I have a great mattress. At least beforehand I had bought a ton of pillows (several very soft) and cheap pillowcases at TJ Maxx. Worked beautifully, especially as I can frame the pillows exactly as I need them. If I wanted an arm just right, I could put one soft, or one medium, or 2 soft - you get the picture.

I’m now healed from the surgery, and recovered for the most part from the sciatica thanks to PT exercises, but still have twinges of the sciatica - especially if I am not diligent with the exercise schedule. I have kept the pillows on the bed. My laptop is my friend - do more now reclining in bed than at the desk, which exacerbates it. I hate having to return to my desk when necessary to do paperwork.

And then I go outside and can work in the garden, trim shrubs, and this morning am re-channeling my creek. And then to the barn.

But I am now sold on lots of pillows. :slight_smile:

I am really worried about my back. I had those two hip surgeries and it fixed my back pain as long as I don’t do anything stupid (like sleep on the couch?)

Is it your dominant arm or the other arm?

Other stuff - I had to wear the sling for a month. I was driving small distances in a week, if I had to. (Surgery was on my off side, which was fortunate.) If you have to go to the grocery store, get a cart that wheels well and pull it, with the one hand, from the front. Pushing from the back is hard and just won’t work. If you think you might need help in the store or getting something in the car, ask in the front. They will do that.

I was a bit surprised at how nice people were. At Costco, if I looked at an item for more than a few seconds, people would ask if they could get it for me. The same when you open your trunk to put things in. People stopped to see if they could help. Or, you can leave your cart with a Costco person in the front, drive the car up and they will put it in the trunk for you.

The surgery was a bit of a “b” but it passes. Now, if there was only a way to sew my discs back together and plump them up (and I don’t mean the option with all the metal.)

Non dominant.

Well, good for that. Maybe, if you see the back/hip Doc, ask them for ideas? Also, ask the shoulder surgeon when you see him next about that, specifically. Life - two steps forward and one step back, sometimes.

For computer use while reclining, they make rolling computer carts that look like a hospital patient food cart. If you don’t need to print (or if you set up the wifi printing better than I did), then you simply set the laptop up, and have the cart set to the right height, and you’re in business.
Here’s the one I have:

This is the Amazon listing, but I bought mine at Office Depot or Staples online. They might have them in the stores by now, then you could see if it will work for you.
Get a recliner, even if you rehome it later. A friend bought a stock, floor model at La-Z-Boy for a great price, and then sold it later. They’re great for post surgery recovery.