Shoulder Impingement (swimmer's shoulder) anyone?

Looks like this is what I have (by self assessment). I started noticing problems the end of June and just figured out what the problem is yesterday (online research). Planning to see a doc and get referral for PT. Would be interested to hear of other people’s experience with this and recovery time.

I originally started a thread on muscle soreness when I didn’t know what I had if anyone cares to read that.

Well it’s nice to know that no one is suffering from this malady. YAY.

Symptoms: It’s painful to move your arm over your head because the tendons are being pinched. A test for it is to put your hand on your opposite shoulder and move your elbow up- if it hurts to do that then you might have this problem. I have been doing various PT exercises that I have found on the web and it is getting better. Also icing it regularly.

So if you have it there’s help.

I think most riding shoulder injuries are around rotator cuff type stuff, more than nerve impingment.

Yep, I used to get that. And I no longer swim. It would take weeks for it to get better, but would come right back. I couldn’t afford to push the issue, and being a recreational swimmer, doctors and PTs aren’t as interested in patching you together.

I don’t think my issue was riding related. Think maybe just overuse doing other things. I am doing a lot of exercises for it now which are helping. Hoping to continue doing them even when I am recovered to avoid future issues.

I have shoulder impingement from an injury that is not horse-related. I did physical therapy, 2 cortisone shots (which bought me some time,) and I’m having shoulder decompression surgery next week. Most shoulder impingement responds really well to PT (a good PT is so necessary,) ice, and ibuprofen, so hopefully yours will go away with conservative therapy. If not, I’ll update you on the post-surgical recovery. I’m will be off work for six weeks, and I’m already fretting about being away from the barn.

Well, I got nerve impingement on my cervical from herniated disc which causes weakness and pains when raising left elbow above shoulder. I had a disc replacement, which partially resolved the pain. Currently I am going to physical therapy, and that helps somehow. I still have pain and general weakness on left side. Not sure what the next step is… Don’t really want to do fusion but that might be my only option.

I think the herniate disc was caused by over-exercising. I was super fit then, and was pushing myself too hard at my kettle bell class. One extra pound… and I felt it when it happened.

Definitely go to PT for this. Kinesiotaping also helped me. This is usually a secondary symptom so recovery depends on the underlying issue.

I have this. The result of the shoulder capsule being smaller than most people’s. Have had problems with it since very young but didn’t know 'til more recently what was the cause. The pain gets exacerbated by lifting the saddle up on the horse, lifting it onto the upper rack in tack room, lifting if the shoulder is allowed to rotate inwards, much reaching up overhead with one arm to lift something off a hangar, etc. My mother had pain just below the shoulder on outer part of arm and was told it was bursitis (probably accurate).

A sports trainer told me the shoulder joint can be stretched out with exercises, but usually I have to be completely healed up to do such things as they’re easily aggravated.

It’s mentioned in Suzanne von Dietze’s book “Balance in Movement” as an example of how riders have different shoulder and arm conformation which affects the exact position of the elbows and hands. (i.e., rules are not hard and fast or precise for rider position).

I am dealing with an acute shoulder bursitis issue right now. Excruciatingly painful and I’m doing acupuncture, laser and some PT. Also gobbling NSAIDS like candy just so I can get some sleep.
It’s the first time with this issue so, not sure how it will go recovery wise.

Did they consider injecting your shoulder?
When I had a similar problem, they injected my shoulder as a diagnostic tool, along with MRI.
If it had worked a certain way, I would have gone to PT etc.
Since injecting didn’t help at all and MRI indicated there was other than bursitis, I went to surgery, which found and fixed the problems.

Shoulder has been fine since.

I’m seeing good results with the acupuncture, laser, pt and icing… so unless I stall out I’m going to avoid the injections for now :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve had them in my knees and GAG.

Thanks everyone for all the responses. I’m doing better but not 100% I have not been to formal PT but have been doing stretch and strengthening on my own (though I need to be better about doing this on a daily basis). I should probably get my butt to PT (or rather, my shoulder).

Wishing good health to all.

My partner had that. Tried PT, massage…finally had a series of steroid injections. She can now move it almost as much as she could before, and can sleep on that side for short periods after about 6 months.

“I’m seeing good results with the acupuncture, laser, pt and icing… so unless I stall out I’m going to avoid the injections for now :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve had them in my knees and GAG.”

Could I ask what kind of laser treatment? New to me.

I started with rotator cuff tendonitis and then last winter broke my collarbone when my horse fell on the ice which exacerbated my range of motion issues. PT has helped me enormously. Acupuncture did very little beyond temporary relief. If it doesn’t completely resolve, I will get cortisone shots but I’d prefer not to.

I’m in PT for a shoulder impingement and a suspected labrum tear. The therapist is also using ultrasound and taping, all of which helps. The cause of most of my problem is apparently bad mechanics, although I suspect that finally getting a horse trailer and raising it on and off the trailer hitch is what caused the problem. (Yay, I finally have a trailer but I can’t use it because of my shoulder.)

I have been doing PT of almost 35 years for one problem or another - back, knee, shoulder, hip - and I just don’t have enough time in my day to do the amount that is needed to keep me relatively pain free. Am seeing a doctor on Tuesday to see if there is anything “magical”, short of surgery, that will eliminate the pain and keep me functioning. I feel like I am taking the “easy” way out but being in chronic pain (and not even acknowledging it most of the time) is beginning to wear on me.

Yes, do, I found the actual PT sessions much more effective than doing the strengthening exercises at home.

Look into a PT that does IASTM therapy. The guy I go to has athletes fly in from all over to see him. Fixed my tendonitis without surgery, lasers, injections, etc. You likely have tissue adhesions that are preventing your scapula from sliding down like they should. Avoid putting your hands on your hips (stupid as that sounds) and other movements that cause your shoulders to crunch up. It’s an extremely shallow joint. Doesn’t take much to cause an issue.

What about pinched nerves in the shoulder y’all? That wouldn’t be caused from a torn rotor cuff would it?

I can’t lift my right arm above my head honestly. My mom had surgery for herniated discs when she was my age and maternal grandfather has degenerative disc disease. I’ve have a diagnosis of arthritis in my SI since I was 15, I’ve always ridden. I feel great when I ride. Now getting off a horse hurts and it feels like my hip is completely locked til I take a limpy steps. I was really wanted to get cortisone shots in this shoulder and go from there but now I’m pregnant. I’ve been a nurses aide doing heavy lifting for the past two years, the shoulder hurt before that when I was grooming / riding horses for a living.

If you look at me you can tell how jacked up the right side of my body is, I pigeon toe in like no other and it hurts to try to fix that. Even when I was reallllyy fit and doing proper weight training etc it’s been an issue.