Shoulder labrum repair??

Simkie, that’s a lot on your plate! I hope you still have assistance with the barn work–are you really mucking out?? Hope that means you are feeling great and the helming has come along really well. :slight_smile:


Sorry to yell, but OMG! :lol:

keys, I do still have help, but I do feel good and can do some stuff. I’m very careful to not do anything that even hints at hurting :slight_smile:


I have long long hair, and before surgery, since I couldn’t move my arm to shoulder height w/out extreme pain, went to the local salon to find someone to just wash my hair. We worked out a package deal since I’d need that service post surgery for some time… I was a regular there every Thursday at 5 pm for about 8 weeks.

It’s been 7 months since surgery, and I can do it myself; have been for awhile BUT I still am so grateful, thankful, and marvel that I can do that every shower!

So sad I won’t get to see your place in MN. [ maybe you could let me Google Earth-view it…]. Your story of relocation gives me courage to consider the re-lo that my family is considering. I think 52 is too old to be Re-locating anything, but there are some pluses. and minuses. Maybe I’ll post a long: “Dear COTH: what do you think about this?” to see what the COTH folks think. It will help me to just spell out all the Pros/Cons on ‘paper’.

Sorry to blather about myself.

YOU GO GIRL! Are your ponytail-making skills top-notch now? Yay for arms that work!

HEALING coming along.

How the heck did autocorrect get ‘helming’. Is that even a word, or is it like ‘adulting’?

Anywho, glad you are doing so well, Simkie!

All I know about adulting, keys, is that it is HARD. And dumb. Boooo.

Now I feel a little weird sharing this all y’all, but…

I shaved my armpits today. And it felt SO GOOD.

Moving right along :slight_smile:

(Just in time for a major cross country move in a snow storm, what fun!)

Alright, backslide.

Drove for most of the move because Mr S had never driven the trailer before and it’s certainly a skill. Shoulder not real happy about that.

But then fell today to hands and knees on the ice and that did not feel at ALL good. Loading up on everything and really, really babying it. Back in sling immobilizer thing.

Given where repair was (anterior) I think is unlikely I hammered it in fall, but just crossing fingers.

Oh no, I hope you didn’t do any damage. A month or so after my first hip surgery I was putting a dog on a tie out and he immediately ran around me in a circle and tripped me. I landed on my newly repaired hip and was afraid to move for a bit but thankfully it was ok. Fingers crossed for you!

Alright, backslide.

Drove for most of the move because Mr S had never driven the trailer before and it’s certainly a skill. Shoulder not real happy about that.

But then fell today to hands and knees on the ice and that did not feel at ALL good. Loading up on everything and really, really babying it. Back in sling immobilizer thing.

Given where repair was (anterior) I think is unlikely I hammered it in fall, but just crossing fingers.[/QUOTE]

Uh, oh. Jingles and all digits crossed for you. Do,you have a doctor in the new area?

Shoulder seems to be doing okay.

I gotta say, it seriously sucks that my pain gauge is better or worse than hip. For the most part, shoulder is better than hip (yay?!) Right after fall, shoulder was worse (definite boo.)

I’ve been babying it and slinging if it starts to get sore. Never thought I would be THANKFUL for the stupid immobilizer thing, but glad we brought it with us in the move instead of packing.

Glad to see that you are marching along through your recovery. Happy new shoulder and happy new year!

Eight week update:

Shoulder feels pretty darn good and the therapist here along with my therapist back in MN both feel that the way I fell doesn’t risk the repair at all. Just lots of inflammation, etc. After lots of babying and now getting back into movement, I think we’re back to level set and on track.

Still not keen to TEST it, though, so just following the program :slight_smile:

Overall report: fairly easy surgery for me, but dumb to move 1200 miles 5 weeks out in the middle of winter with horses. But that last part probably isn’t smart regardless of the shoulder :lol:

i have a consultation with an ortho guy next week.tripped over a mole hill in the dark 2 months ago with arms loaded with hay nets and buckets.have done the private mri.the wait list is about 4 months then 4-10 months for surgery.i can’t wait that am going to go with the private clinic.

myrna, I hope your surgery and recovery goes smoothly!

me too! my husband and i look after 18 horses at our boarding barn.way too much for 1 person.

if I was closer I’d offer to help you out. I’ve had shoulder surgery too so know what your rehab will be like

Figured we were due for an update. I’m just about 3 months out from surgery.

ROM is probably 90% there. I am, for the most part, just living life as normal. Ponies moved into the new barn perhaps three weeks ago, so with that came stall cleaning and more hay bag filling (they’d just been turned out prior to that…Mr S was dealing with hanging hay bags for the more part when they were out.)

During the day I am pretty pain free as far as the shoulder is concerned. I really want to sleep on my right side, though, so nights are still a little tough. Even if I manage to fall asleep on my back, I wind up on my right, and I can feel the head of the humerus pressing on the repair. Ouch.

Overall, though, a fairly “easy” recovery process.

Glad to hear things are progressing smoothly.