Shoulder pain

For the last 6 weeks or so I have Had increasing shoulder pain from my neck to a few inches down my arm. I’ve been resting it as much as anyone with 12 horses can and trying not to make any extreme motions. And it kept getting worse. The other night I couldn’t sleep because of the pain. No matter which side I lay on it just HURT and I hate sleeping on my back.

Yesterday I bought myself 2 new contour pillows.

OMG, last night I slept for the most part on my back and didn’t wake up once because of the pain. There is still some residual soreness but nothing like I have become accustomed to.

Who knew a PILLOW could be the cause??

FWIW my mattress is a Tempur Pedic, as are the 2 new pillows. In general I hate the mattress because it holds so much heat but if these pillows really solve my shoulder pain I will forgive the mattress

Depending on what is wrong with your shoulder and it is such a complicated joint that is hard to say, sleep posture can affect it naturally and especially after an injury.

Many people tend to sleep with their arm over their head and that can in some cause shoulder pain and a change of sleeping habits helps them.

Thank you for telling us what worked, I bet many will now try that, just in case it will help them also.
Would help if you put a link up to which kind of pillow helped you, there are many of those out there.

is the one I got but I suspect it’s a matter of trial and error.

FWIW I tend to sleep curled into a tight fetal position. I was soooo not looking forward to a visit to Fredortho. Instead I’m going to ride Sophie in my new arena and give her and her mom a MUTCH needed BATH

Thank you for the link, that helps.:slight_smile:

Glad you feel better now and can have clean, bathed horses.:yes:

We don’t know how much we need a well oiled shoulder until we have problems, don’t we.:wink:

Shoulders and ankles…who knew they could cause so many problems???

I’m just excited that I want to have clean horses that I want to ride

This may sound like a dumb question, but where do you put your head? On the high rise, the low rise, or in the dip?

LOL, in the dip

Hope you are feeling better!

Not hurting is nice


Two pillows $160, but not worrying about a possible repetitive stress injury is PRICELESS

Would the cheapie Target version do the trick?

Looks like it might indeed