Shoulder surgery - Started PT & a PSA last post

Had a capsular shift this morning. Received a scalene nerve block & they put a 6" long catheter at the site of the nerve block that’s attached to a pain pump (catheter in my neck for 3 days! eww!), immobilizer w/ pillow and an ice machine. Didn’t expect to go home with so much equipment. No pain, just a very numb arm/hand.

For those who have had shoulder surgery - did you get a pain pump to go hime with? I hadn’t heard of that before.

Shoulder surgery is the MOST painful surgery for most normal people. With the advances in analgesia, it is becoming very tolerable. I had my surgery 10 years ago. I had a block prior to the procedure. The block can be done for anesthesia or analgesia. My block could have been done for anesthesia, but certainly was for anagesia. I had no pain from that surgery. The block wore of some 48 hours or so later. It was awesome. I had a wonderful anesthesiologist that specialized in regional medicine do mine. We had it fine tuned to the nth degree…it was really awesome.

The pump you went home with will slowly give you meds to keep you from feeling anything…this is good. Your life will be greatly improved this way. You will be able to sleep. Your body will be able to start healing. This is critical for an over all healthy shoulder/life.

The ice machine will reduce any swelling therefor preventing much of the inflammation and pain that occurs with this surgery.

It sounds as if you have a wonderful post op protocol. Make sure you get plenty of rest. Keep us updated.

Good Luck!

Mr. pharmgirl got a pain pump (I think it was actually an ON-Q Pain ball) when he had his second shoulder surgery. He also got the ice machine thing that came in very handy (still has for other injuries :yes:).

Good luck with your recovery!

I didn’t, but I had a bankart repair for a dislocated shoulder. They are so anxious not to let you in the hospital that you are left at home with scads of equipment and pain killers. When I broke my arm a few years ago (supracondylar fracture, 2 plates, 9 screws) I was in for 3 days hooked to the pain pump and an IV. I’m not sure why they let me stay. Maybe because I live alone? Or the magnitude of the surgery?

Anyhow, hope your recovery goes well.

I had the first of several surgeries 14 years ago. Lucky you, there were no pain pumps to go home with for me. They did send me home with a machine, to pump ice water for pain, but it leaked. I had to change the sheets twice before they came to pick it up and return the machine. Did I mention my collarbone and shoulder were broken into 9 pieces and all my ribs on the right side were broken or cracked?

Good luck to you. The Doctors are learning new things all the time. Even though I had a rocky start, my result from the surgeries is excellent - you should look forward to the same.

Just had to weigh in on the “awesomeness” of the nerve block! They said to me after shoulder surgery in May that if they can get you through the first 48 hours relatively pain free you’ll heal much better. I can attest it did wonders and the next most important thing they said was “Take your meds on schedule and DON’T let the pain get ahead of you”. Believe them and Good luck!!!

I had a nerve block for surgery, no pain pump, as my capsular release/screw removal Tuesday was pretty straight forward. The nerve block was so weird! Numb from ear to finger tips…took 36 hours to wear off.

Do take pain meds as the pump goes off/block wears off…stay ahead of the pain, take it even if you feel good.

My PT is beginning to hurt now, but my shoulder is so much better!! Good luck–keep us posted.

No pain pump for me either time - first was posterior capsular plication, last surgery was full capsular release. Last surgery got the nerve block it was completely worn off 5 hours after it was done, surgery took 2 hours, block done approx 30 mins before surgery started so I got the feeling of the block for about 2 hours. It had effectively worn off before I even got dressed to leave the hospital. Love how fast my body metabolizes anesthetics. I am one of those people that they reverse the anesthetic on and am awake while still in the OR, have no nausea, no fuzzy head, nothing.

Keep up with the pain meds and take them as scheduled. I will say that I took them because I was told to but had zero pain for the first 2 weeks, only took the pain meds for the first 24 hours because I was told that I should. My pain problems start at the 2 week mark it seems.

I had the lovely immobilizer sling, and a great ice machine. I have lived on that machine since January as it is fantastic for keeping inflammation down and I find it controls the pain the best. Sleeping with the immobilizer on is entertaining. I slept (still sleep actually) propped up on a wedge and then have pillows all around me to support the arm and keep it from pulling on the neck too much.

Tarynls - how are you feeling this morning?

I’m not too bad this morning (although the block hasn’t worn off yet & the pump is still running). Slept in a recliner which was great. Couldn’t imagine trying to sleep in bed with all the stuff that’s on me! Post op appointment is Monday…I’ll update then.

Hope you heal FAST!!!

My shoulder surgery was the WORST. It was a very painful healing process but they lots of bone scraping. No pain pump was given. Best of luck.

1st post-op appt.

Had a good report from the doc! I found out he inserted 2 bone anchors and some sutures to tighten the joint capsule. He gave me a copy of the pics he took through the scope which is pretty cool (the bone anchors are purple!) :slight_smile:

In any case, I’m in the sling/pillow for 3 more weeks, then I see him again and he’ll most likely start PT at that point. Can’t wait. Pain is not too bad, motrin & the ice machine together do a pretty good job of keeping it under control for the most part. I usually take a pain pill before bed and sleep through at least half the night.

Hope everyone is doing well,


So far I’ve had 5 sessions of PT, have decent ROM (130* flexion!). External rotation - not so much. That one’s going to take awhile.

However, for anyone contemplating shoulder surgery, do not do what I just did:

I received a flu vaccine and a pneumonia vacccine in my right arm last night. (Surgery was on the left shoulder). Today, I can barely move my right arm, it’s so swollen and sore. Now I have NO good arms to work with!

I also do not recommend falling down an entire flight of stairs 18 days after surgery. (sock slipped on the edge of the hardwood step). Thankfully I had the immobilizer on and had the presence of mind to lean to the right. Still have a scar on the underside of my right arm from wrist to elbow where the skin was scraped off. Along with bruises on the lower rib cage on both sides (knocked the wind out of me by the time I made it to the bottom of the stairs). Scared the crap out of the BF and managed to take out a baby gate (for the dogs) on the way down. Sheesh.

Thankfully my trip did not re-injure the shoulder.

Glad you are making progress on your ROM, feels great to move it I bet.

Scary story on the fall!! I lived in fear of falling/tripping on my arm those first couple of months. Heck, I still do!