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What are the actual rules/trends for show jacket with piping? I am looking at a black hunt coat with a light grey piping on the pocket flaps and the collar. The jacket also comes in solid black but I like the contrast. I haven’t shown yet in eventing and I come from hunterland, so I’m not sure on the rules or current styles. :lol: This would be my only jacket for all 3 phases because I am college kid with a limited budget. So, would the jacket with piping be an okay choice? Or should I get the solid black?

The jacket sounds lovely. Current show coat trends are relatively progressive, it’s not usual to see gray or slate blue, along with traditional black and navy, with colored collars and piping. Piping not just on the collar, but sometimes down the lapel and along the pockets.

Coats worn in USDF dressage are getting a lot less boring, and it’s starting to blend into eventing as well. The newer soft shell coats are becoming popular, and quite a few styles incorporate some contrasting trim.

You’ll see a wide range of coats in eventing, from traditional hand-me-downs that never go out of style, black, navy, tweed, charcoal gray, pretty much anything goes as long as it’s a “conservative color.” If you plan to do some h/j schooling shows, also keep in mind what coat would be appropriate there.

Aren’t jackets becoming optional next year with the rule changes for Training and below?

Pretty much anything goes - except crazy colors :slight_smile: My jacket is new tech fabric, grey with white piping on the pockets and lapels.

Yes, Littleluck55, jackets are optional next year. However, I will still wear mine if it’s not too hot even tho I show below Training.

If you are on a budget you should know that jackets are optional NOW at any event where you contest all three phases in one day (very common in area II, less so elsewhere). Next year I think they will be optional all the time at Training and below.
I have a versatile black jacket I bought years ago - wear when required or when it is cold. Most of the time I go without.

This would be my only jacket for all 3 phases because I am college kid with a limited budget. [/QUOTE]
You DEFINITELY would not want to wear it for the cross country phase. :sunglasses:

And you don’t need to wear a jacket at all for the other two phases at the lower levels.

I only wear a jacket on the days when it is too cold to go in just a shirt.