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Show Jumping Starting - is it raining?


where is this video?

… ! …

… >< …


Eek. Very not good wall for Jos Lansink! (I’m getting a kind of weird pop-art version of the streaming video now )

Here goes Beezie!!

The last horse demolished the stamp fence. I couldn’t tell who it was, though.

It was Jos Lansink. Yea Beezie goes clear!

Cosa fai!

OH MY GOD, Gerco went clean! I think Holland did it!!!

the German who destroyed the Stamp.



Duh. You’re right. Apparently I can’t read well. :wink:

Where the hell did the Ukrainians come from all of sudden?

Beezie leads individually and McLain moved up to 5th!

I’m peeing in my pants! My Dutch passport and I are rocking about the gold! My US passport and I are rocking about the silver! Excellent, excellent, excellent!

Good ol’ Jeroen. Wins his first GP by taking home an Olympic gold. He’s not on the top of the scoreboard as much as others, but he did with the GP of Aachen on De Sjiem, and now this. Briliant, brilliant, brilliant.

this and more in the COTH coverage

"Who Are They?
The biggest surprise of the day was the Ukrainian leap into second. The Ukranian team came together at the last moment, and is comprised of riders of other nationalities who decided to switch to Ukrainian citizenship. Katarina Offel—a former German rider—has been riding for the Ukraine for three years, but her teammates all started with the team recently. Ukrainian gas magnate Alexander Omischenko sponsors the team. "

Coreene, I thought of you immediately when I saw the Dutch won. :slight_smile: So the US got silver? Great!

Ah, on the Ukrainians, I see it now. Yes, there is a lot of oil and gas money in the Oligarchs of the Former Soviet Union. Looks like one of them decided to spend a few pennies of his on horses and riders.

There was only ?

This Ukranian team was 1/2 German and 1/2 Belgian. That’s one way to get to the international finals, isn’t it?

Good for every team on a job well done. And bravo to the Brazilians, who rode with only three and without the luxury of a drop score. And for those teams that knew they would not have a chance, but for whom it was not about the winning but the taking part. Over 100 horses - it must have been absolutely glorious to watch in what is an absolutely magnificent stadium.

I’m totally verklempt. :sadsmile: For me, to have a Dutch gold and US silver, or a US silver and Dutch gold, was the same thing, and I am just so thrilled. Fingers crossed that Beezie goes home as World Champion!!!
