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Show names for fleabitten gray

he is a fleabitten gray (not a lot of spots) and his name is atlas!

my trainer came up with the really cute name “Map it Out” and i really like it!

wanted to see what other names people could think of… i wanted something that related to the world/maps… (because of his name, atlas) but i have no craftiness to think anything up lol

let me hear your thoughts!

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I love Map It Out.
I did find one Iroquois name for another god who holds up the sky like Atlas but have no idea how to pronounce it! And Mercator would never get pronounced right at shows.

As a huge Ayn Rand fan, I would show him as John Galt! :laughing:

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I like Map it Out. I also just like Atlas

Rand McNally (they made maps)
North Arrow
Due North, (or any direction you like)
All Roads Lead to Rome
Lead Me Home
Exploration Nation
Chart it out (similar to Map it out)

What breeding is your gray?


I think Map it Out is really cute and unique! My only suggestion at the moment is Ad Astra.

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Salt 'n Pepper (Salt 'n Peppa)
Gray Matter
Sky Full of Stars (Coldplay song)
Smoke Screen
Polar Coaster
Connect the Dots
Tic Tac Toe

If you want something nautical, Haze Gray and Underway.

Otherwise, Atlas was the Greek guy that held up the world, right? That suggests some fun names from Greek mythology:

Titanic (Atlas was a Titan)

North by Northwest
Continental Flight

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City snow

Bet on the Gray

Terra Incognita

World on My Shoulders (or The World on My Shoulders/Whole World on My Shoulders)

Celestial Sphere
Compass Rose
Garmin :rofl:
Gray Area
New Direction

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Next time I need a name…I’m calling you!


That is so sweet. Sometimes I draw a blank and others I can knock it out of the park LOL … :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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