I’m fond of Polar Coaster, too!
A fun twist: made the 2nd & final payment & finally received grandson’s FEI passport, etc from his former owner. Turns out that while he is, in fact, a Holsteiner & his parents are as reported on his USEF registry, he actually hails from the Czech Republic! No wonder I couldn’t locate any info in my earlier casual searches – I was looking in Germany.
Daughter had tentatively settled on Polaris, because " he’s her star" . Now with this new information she’s thinking that his current name is a nice nod to his heritage & is probably fine as is. Lol.
I’m glad your daughter is considering keeping the name. I come from the OTTB world and love it when people show under the JC name, even if it’s not the “perfect” show name for them. Not only can you look at the breeding of a horse you really like the look of, but it keeps the complete show record intact throughout the horse’s career.
And honestly, I loved “Arold” when I first read it!
I agree! He just looks like an Arold. Though after their first little schooling jumper show together where he so gamely trooped around the 2’6" in a spooky indoor with people popping up without warning in the out gate, etc, that the trainer suggested they try the 2’9" , I kind of want to rename him “Arold the Alicorn” (aka- the unicorn pegasus) . He’s just such a sweet and generous soul.
Her older half siblings did the same when we got the mastiff. He’d been a breeder take back from his first owner. Thinking she’d just keep him, the breeder renamed him a human name that was a nod to her cultural heritage. The kids weren’t sure they liked it so for weeks before his arrival we discussed possible alternatives. IIRC, we settled on “Rex”. They excitedly met my SUV when I pulled into the drive from picking up the dog. “OK, kiddos! Meet Rex!” I said as I opened the back of the SUV. Contemplative silence from all three. “Actually, he really looks like a [human name]” said eldest stepson “we should just call him that.”
I like Arold Alicorn!