Show Names! I Need the COTH Hive Mind!

OK. First off, if you haven’t seen a pic of my new grandson, here he is :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::

He is a Holsteiner. We know that he did the 1.30m jumpers in Europe before being imported from Germany about 5 years ago. He’s done mostly jumpers since. He’s quiet & agreeable & a great confidence builder. He’s got a very sweet, puppy dog personality without being in your pocket pushy.

His show name & barn name are “Arold”. To mark the start of their new chapter together, daughter would like something with more omph for his USEF registered name.

Ideas? I’m boring and can’t think of anything. He speaks Russian (as do I), so that is one possible avenue. I keep trying to alliterate with A’s and not coming up with much, either.


Polar Coaster
Platinum Blonde
Up in Smoke
Smoke Signal
Smoke Screen
London Fog
Gray Matter
Gray Flannel Suit
Silver Lining
Stolen Silver

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Silver Arrow

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Ohhhhh! Great suggestions!

Argent (silver in French)
Argento (poetic/archaic word for silver in Spanish, also the name of one of the Gladiator’s horses in the movie Gladiator)

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Argento gets my vote, with London Fog 2nd

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Around the World

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What was he called on his German papers?

Tbh, I’ve not seen them. He’s been USEF registered as plain old Arold for his entire US show career. USEF has his sire recorded as Lordano. I’ll have to poke around the German breed registry.

Augenblick, German word defined as a super short moment; a blink of an eye.


Or, if you want something longer, Quiet flows the Don

Edited to add: Very sweet face!

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Leningrad Cowboy

No a, but still…


I rather like “Plain Old Arold” as a name!


Do you prefer to stick with a first letter as a nod to his sire?

Arold reminds of Aragorn and may not be such a non-fancy name. Speaking of Aragorn…

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Too many Argentos and adjacent names out there, including a Hosteiner jumping stallion named Argento plus others. I’d avoid that name.


Maybe “Arold D’Argent” might have a nice ring to it? I initially suggested “Arold Der Erlkonig” to daughter. Although, he has nothing in common personality-wise to an evil forest troll so maybe not! Lol. I do like “Plain Old Arold”! It’s actually even cuter if you know what daughter’s first name is. Because people often mishear it and we’re forever saying “No, not [complicated similar-sounding name]. Just plain [daughter’s name].”

Eta: @J-Lu, not necessarily.


Thanks. Can you explain? I just don’t know.

Oh, sorry! I meant we don’t necessarily have to stick with a first letter as a nod to his sire.

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Polar Coaster is so cute…