Hi everyone! My friend and I recently started working on a project horse named Zip. (I don’t own him nor is he for sale. We’re just doing this for fun) I may do a schooling show with him next summer and I would like him to have a show name. He is a black and white pinto with a snip the continues under his chin. He’s quite stocky and pretty slow with big movement. he likes to eat and is a registered QH. We haven’t jumped him yet so zero idea how much scope he has. Any show name ideas/suggestions? Thanks!
Ok so I actually love coming up with this kind of thing –
How about Zipster, Zippit, Zip me Up for relating to his name.
Relating to his color you could do Wet Paint (i love this one), Paint me a Rainbow, Etch a sketch, True Colors.
Hope this helps, sorry that they’re not amazing…
lauren_horses04 Your suggestions are AMAZING! I love Wet Paint and Zip me up! they’re so cuttteeee! I’m trying to pick a couple so I can put a poll up!
Zip to Win
Use his registered name?
Though if he is pinto, isn’t it true it cannot be registered AQHA? Maybe APHA.
Color Me This
Zippidee Doodah (or however you spell that.)
Its Zippity Doo Dah, very cute and goes with his barn name, I think that would be my first choice. I also like Lauren’s suggestions, Wet Paint and Zip Me Up.
Hi everyone! just to clear up the confusion, I do not own Zip! I was told he was a quarter horse and we weren’t shown his papers so he might be double registered/apha. I think all your ideas are amazing!!! (I also don’t know his registered name)
Zip Code
Ok so… I did some research and we’re pretty sure Zip is registered with the APHA but has quarter horse bloodlines:) so I was wrong in my original post. thanks for all of your wonderful ideas! keep em coming! (jk lol you can post if you want)
I’m not a QH bloodline expert, but grew up in an area with lots of reiners, I was going to say - if his name has anything to do with zip, there’s QH in there somewhere. If you’re not doing AHQA shows and don’t care about people knowing you have a Zip horse, I LOVE the Wet Paint name
I might be able to talk his owner into showing me his papers… Then we’ll hopefully know what bloodlines he has! I think my friend will probably like the name Wet Paint as well:)