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Show Question/Vent

I think the point about the show management trying to keep entries up is most likely the reason for what the OP describes but what they do not understand is not following basic rules or seeming to show favoritism to the people who win is the type of thing that makes people not come back.

Good reason or no good reason, this looked sketchy, and now has people talking about how poorly run the show is.


@cutter99 I think you hit the nail on the head.
Fair Mgmt is brand new to running this show.
Iā€™m sure getting people to return next year is foremost.
Iā€™ll agree to Benefit of the Doubt for the sketchy judging.
And that will also apply to my Driving friends who received High Point Championships at this show.

Good things were done by Mgmt:
Liberty Class added was a crowd favorite
More Mini classes added*
*Iā€™d really like to see some VSE/Minis Only classes as now Pony classes include both minis & some truly Large ponies aka Halflingers

Iā€™ve shown there for the last 7 years & opted out this year as the weather was not nice. Way too hot!
Iā€™ve never thought much of the judging, even when I took blues.
But I do notice when Rules seem to go out the window.
To me, No Bueno. :unamused:


@2DogsFarm Have to agree with your original post, such late entries should NEVER have been allowed into the ring. No place ribbon at all, would have been what I expected to see.

I HATE a Judge who does not follow the Rules!! Those who hire the Judge tell them ahead what Rules will be used when they hire him/her. Rules are what lays out the expected way things are done, whether 4H or AQHA or local Horse Club Rules. Showbill, Fair entry sheet should specify what Rules will be used so you can check them out ahead, not make mistakes in the ring.

I totally agree that complaints in WRITING should be sent to the Fair Board, saying why Judge was so unsatisfactory.

Not sure if the Fair pays premiums for open horse Classes. Used to be an exhibitor could earn a good bit of money showing at the Fair. Especially true of the draft horse hitches, 2-4-6-8 that paid WELL. Michigan changed the premium payback years ago, with local Fairs having to pay offered premiums instead of the State. No premiums now for 4H or most entries in any catagories. Other States have different Rules for Premium placings.

As I have found, you have to get involved in the folks running things, to see changes. Be an Officer, get on on the Fair Board, attend their meetings to speak up against their actions, suggest a different approach in ways of doing things, IN THE PLANNING STAGES. No use complaining when Fair arrives! Do more background checking on Judges. Are they liked or hated? How did they get to be a Judge, references? Have they ever judged a variety of breeds as seen in 4H?

Many people picking Judges have no clue about needed qualifications. I was shocked at ā€œhorse peopleā€ who know nothing about other disciplines! I got on the local 4H Board. First meeting was planning Fair Classes. One idea put up was to cancel all Dressage Classes!! I was shocked. None of the other Board members asked any questions, sounded approving!! So I started questioning. Why did they want to cancel? Well the Dressage Judge ā€œsaidā€ the kids were ill-prepared, did not do any good tests. How many kids entered Dressage? 35 kids, because any points would count towards High Point. Only a few actual Dressage riders, so she thought Dressage classes were time wasters! ā€œSo we dump Dressage because ONE Judge didnā€™t like any of the 35 riders? That is a LOT of kids riding Dressage to have it snatched away from!ā€ More discussion from others, some attending parents commenting. We did NOT drop Dressage at the vote. But without me asking questions, it would have disappeared without a whimper! No others on the Board knew much about Dressage, did not care if it was among the classes.

Rules count, so READING and knowing the Rules is very important. Had to go to center ring, consult with Judge to let Hunter class kids be able to walk the courses! The announcer and I (gate person) had a conflict because course walking was a ā€œtime waster.ā€ Rules SAID riders were allowed to walk the course. Judge agreed, kids COULD walk the course as stated in the Rules.

Attending the Fair Board meetings, getting them to CHOOSE a set of Driving Rules to list in the Fair Book would be a big step forward. Then choosing a Judge familiar with those Rules should get things consistant across the Classes. But it takes personal input, time you put in to create the changes needed. Oh yeah, stalls have always been free at Fairs here. The more horses, the better attendees like it! Fair WANTS folks to come visit.


I would be up Sh*t Creek here, going against the Fair Board & frankly not at the top of my List. :unamused:
Yes, I understand if I wonā€™t go to bat I shouldnā€™t complain.
But here in QH Land things are not changing anytime soon.
And in the vast scope of showing, this one rinkydink horse show doesnā€™t matter enough to me to try to change things.

Dressage? :laughing: Never happen.
There used to be an O/F class that was truly painful to watch.
Horse after horse getting their teeth floated over teeny (2ā€™?) verticals, set in a single line. :confounded:

The payback up to this year was a set amount for 1st thru 5th place.
This year they changed to percentages, based on total entries, IIRC, 70% to 1st.
Headache for the office with Adds & Scratches last minute.

Iā€™ll just continue to go for the corndogs & try to not notice the weird judging.
But when it is so jawdroppingly odd, I may come back here :sunglasses:

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@ 2 dogs farm You have to go with what works for you. Not saying go against the Board, but maybe persuade them to try it a bit differently in a couple places. See how the exhibitors like the change.

We were able to ease in a little change with the horses at Fair. In the ā€œold daysā€ our Open class premiums were set amounts for Driving, both ponies and Draft hitches. I think they paid to 6 places then.

I have been involved with 3 Fairs, change is possible, but always at a snails pace. Trying to push hard makes them (Board) dig in, not listen.

I just could NOT tolerate the blatant disregard of ā€œ4H Rulesā€ I was seeing, so that was when i got on the Horse Boards. They had their own County Rules that were totally opposite of State Rules, were actually illegal rules! But it was the way they had always done it, no one ACTUALLY read the 4H Rulebook! My copy was high-lighted, paper-clipped to mark pertinent sections for quick reference as needed! Ha ha I about had it memorized when questioned.

I had the same issues with any over fences classes. We did some clinic days for ALL County members, to teach them Rules, skills, how to ride a course. Fences were all small, but horses did not know how to jump, so that was safer! Then there are safe fences, not just 2 standards and a rail. Fences need fillers to make a more solid obstacle, sometimes a ground rail for not allowing horse to get in too close before taking off. I hope I left kids that bravely asked questions of adults, knew their Rules when competing, had more skills than when they started. Part of their 4H education in being better citizens and community Leaders in the future.


@goodhors :grin:
I have no ā€œskinā€ in this Fair game.

Next year whether or not I enter the few VSE classes will depend on weather.
Iā€™ve enjoyed my Time Off, just hanging with friends this week, no hurryup&wait, no overdressing in the heat, no :flushed: headscratching at judgingā€¦ Well, except for my vent here :wink:

Iā€™ll save my involvement for somewhere that matters.
Iā€™m hoping to volunteer at the CDE at Hoosier Horse Park in September.
And, Iā€™ll definitely be at the Ntl Drive in October :blush:
Will I see you, Mr goodhors & the lovely Alyss & Hawk there?

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Not sure yet. Depends on getting a horse sitter. We would LIKE to go, do both, but nothing definately in place. Metamora starts next week. Then there are the 2 puppies. They could be quite exciting to travel with that far!

We did a dry run with big trailer, loading horses today which was a disaster!! Broken fan belt meant no fan or keeping the air pressure up for trailer air brakes! It was a bit harrowing to get home, stopping every mile to let the radiator cool down. Stunk of burned brakes when we got home! Parts ordered, working on trailer and truck tomorrow. Only 3 miles from home on country roads, but still took awhile to get home. Horses seemed to enjoy the ride, looking out the open top doors, munching on haybags. Looked surprised to be back home and unloading! Ha ha Glad it didnā€™t happen on the expressway.

Then I thought of going horseless, one puppy, sell some driving stuff at the National Drive. Visit around. Just is a very long drive, though faster in the car. Pretty wimpy when western folks think 12 hour isnā€™t REALLY far! Ha ha

Thanks for volunteering!

What kind of puppies :dog2::poodle:?

Yikes! On your truck woes. :persevere:
Like Roseanne Roseannadanna said:
ā€œItā€™s always somethingā€

I just got myself a new(er) SUV to haul.
The loan I intended for that sole purpose got shanghaied when my dryer died.
I decided it was smarter to replace both washer & dryer as they were both ā€œvintageā€ < here & not new when I bought the place 18yrs ago.
Then fencing needed repairs & sump pump needs a new discharge pipeā€¦
The list could be longer, but Iā€™ll be darned if I miss the Ntl Drive!
Who needs a bank balance? :woman_shrugging:

Hope to see you & Team Goodhors at HHP, for the CDE, Ntl Drive or :pray: both?

If you come horseless to ND, you can ride with me & Bugs :sunglasses:

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Thank you for the offer of a ride!

We got a Shelty puppy in Feb. He is a lively little guy, enthusiastic about everything and a bit noisy. Looking very cute as his long hair comes in. His ears naturally tip over, so the Lassie resemblance is remarkable! The second puppy is a Bouvier we got at the end of May. She is also very cute with a strong resemblance to a fur rug. All black with shiny eyes like a stuffed toy. She has natural ears, not cropped, that flop all over. She is growing like a weed, about 45 pounds right now. Growing is very tiring, she spends a lot of time sleeping after racing with puppy 1. Getting more coordinated, he canā€™t tip her over so easily now! She is a good announcer at strangers and odd noises, but not too barky. Both are nice to the cats, lIke stuffed toys. Our past dogs destroyed all stuffed toys, never gave them any. .

The last old dog was with us long enough to show them some tips, the best bushes to lay under. But NOT teach them to bark every time he saw us! Ha ha

We are having a lot of fun with them. Have not had a puppy for a long time.

Spent my money on the new septic system. Naked (cut all mid yard trees, moved bushes) back yard looks odd but grass seed is finally starting to sprout.

Still waiting on tractor repair bill for the Kubota that broke during first cutting. ā€œAlmost doneā€ they keep saying. It is going to hurt, but better news than I expected, no broken parts! PTO was just kind of jammed forward together, non-working, so they merely had to pull back things apart. Now they need to put pieces and some new gaskets, together again. Said everything in there looked very good inside, also nice to hear.

Youā€™re right, it IS always something!

Ntl Drive Bribery:
You & Sheltie ride with (dogless) me & Bugs in the Pooch Parade class :sunglasses:

I had a friend who bred Bouviers!
Lovely dogs :heart_eyes:
But no room in my mini-size EZ-Entry for us & that pup! :laughing:

Ouch :persevere:
New $$$$$eptic.
Plus a tractor repair?

I think I got lucky & found a local guy who will fix my fencing :pray::crossed_fingers:
Leaving me just enough for the Drive.
Which has to include ice cream at Zaharakoā€™s in Columbus - Club tradition :blush:

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