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Showing in Samshield visor??

Just out of curiosity, has anyone tried showing in their Samshield with the polo visor attached? It gets so hot and bright out in the summer in the south, and it’s so nice to keep some sun off your face when riding. Showing in it hasn’t occurred to me until now, just wondering if anyone has done it before! I have the suede (alcantara) Samshield premium, so it’s a pretty seamless fit between the helmet and the Samshield visor. I don’t find it very noticeable, but I’m wondering if it would bother a judge. I’m mostly wondering about rated shows during the summer.

Seen it plenty of times! I don’t think it’s distracting at all.

I do it all summer! I do the jumpers though.

What is this “showing” you speak of?!