I keep my 2 geldings at home, one is a 6 yr old TB and the other is a 6 yr old mustang. They are very much inseparable which is not surprising given that they are together 24/7. They are generally fine and not herd bound when they are the one being worked with, but the one who is left behind in the pasture gets worked up (running, whinnying, etc.). I have a set up here where they can pretty much always be in sight of each other (holding pen attached to arena, big pasture that is in sight line of most of the property) and this has worked fine.
However - I would like to be able to take the TB off property to lessons and shows at some point.
Has anyone else dealt with this issue, and if so, what did you do? Is there any hope of acclimating them to being apart from each other? They are the only horses on the property.
I could bring them both along for the exposure but I am a little concerned about having two green horses off property with only my non-horsey husband to help. I honestly have no idea how the mustang would handle a new atmosphere. I got him untouched in July - he is now fully halter broke, I can jump on him bareback, pick up all fours, load him in the trailer, etc. I pony him all over my property and he rarely spooks or acts up. He generally has a very calm and very patient demeanor (would stand for hours to be groomed) but is wary of new people. He was doing pretty well with the limited interactions he had with strangers until he got traumatized by a vet visit for a dental. My husband can lead him, hold him, etc. but wouldnāt be comfortable if he were to start acting up.
My TB is just a lot of horse in every way. Not spooky, but zero patience, very mouthy (will literally pick up and grab ANYTHING within his reach), wants to be involved in everything all the time. He has gotten much better about his ground manners but he is the type that scares anyone non-horsey (including my husband).
Looking for any input or ideas for how to make this easier.