that’s how we have “taught” all of horses to load into a trailer, no big deal once they see what you want them to do. We use one that knows what to do, tell them to load which they do the new horse see that and follows.
of course once in the trip to the doughnut shop to get an apple fritter seems to
reinforce the “training”[/QUOTE]
Well, that is a bit different, a horse getting into a trailer because another horse does, or riding over an obstacle , following another horse, etc ,versus a horse watching a man-over on the ground or riding and then performing that manover just by watching. heck, you could have them watch a training DVD , then perform perfect flying lead changes, sliding stops, etc
My horses all load because they are solid on giving to pressure and they lead.
We raised horses for many years, and the first time any of them were asked to load, was when being hauled for a trail ride for the first time, or to a show or sold.
They all loaded first time. A loading problem is a leading problem. Horses dont need to learn to load, just be solid on leading, without questioning where they will or will not lead.