SI joint fusion?

Hi there,

I had my spine fused in 10/2017, but started having a different pain afterwards that wont go away on my right side. I finally had a diagnositc block of my SI joint with really good results. But that means my surgeon will likely recommend I get my SI joint fused.

Has anyone in here had that done or know anyone who has?

Have you tried physical therapy for stabilizing the joint naturally? I have had issues with my SI for over 20 years, injections did help but it has many many years since I have had one. With core work and self-adjustment I am able to put it back in place. I had it out for so long that the ligaments are stretched so it is chronic thing but one I can manage as a long as I do my exercises and lift carefully.

I had limited success with PT (in fact none) but the injections helped a good deal. What really helped was a bad fall I took landing on my side that hurt like HELL that night, could barely walk back inside, almost non weight bearing but next morning right as rain! Apparently it knocked it back into place. Have had some minor issues since then if I walk too far or sit/stand/bend in wrong direction but nothing like before and last injection was in Dec. I think. Last Fall anyway. Although I don’t recommend throwing yourself on the ground maybe a chiro could help?

Hi OP! We know that diagnostic blocs are only there to alleviate the pain and does not address the real issue here. I think going for surgery is still your best option here. It might cost you a lot but the end result will probably give you many more years of riding free of pain.