SI Joint Problems

Has anyone ever truly gotten rid of SI joint pain? After finally getting new foot/ankle braces for PTTD, I was trying to get back into walking. But my SI joints are giving me referred pain that gives me a swinging leg lameness — and who wants to walk when every step hurts? I’m frustrated to say the least. Any tips or hints for dealing with messed up SIs?

Well, not exactly an answer to your question but if you check out the hip pain thread you will see that there are many of us whose only symptom of torn labrums in the hip was SI pain. Mine was excruciating for four and a half years before we finally figured out what was causing the pain and I had the surgery. Best of luck finding a fix.

Google SI support belt. I bought one from Amazon for a bit over $20 and it’s been rather life changing. I wear it for chores and walking, and even put it on at night if my hips are achey. I wish I’d found it a decade ago! I rarely have to take NSAIDs any more for my hip/SI pain.

Have you had any imaging done? For years I had what I had been told was hypermobile SI joints after I fell off my horse and landed on my back. Nobody felt x-rays were necessary.

15 years later I finally get some x-rays and turns out I actually have a Grade 2 spondylolisthesis. (My bottom vertebra is sliding forward off my sacrum.)

What worked best for me (even with the misdiagnosis) was acupuncture. I went to a licensed acupuncturist who specialized in sports medicine.

I’ve gotten SI injections and they do help. However a good SI belt has done more for me than anything else. They are hard to find where I am. I’m eyeing but not presently able to afford this one:®/p/YPBF_ORW_SACROLOC

I have sacroiliitis, actually my dr things it was mostly caused from riding (lots of lots of riding when I was in my teens)

Those lower core/SI back brace was the best thing. I usually wear one when I ride but then I got fat and most recently pregnant. I work a job where I’m on my feet 90% of the time. Sitting in a chair hurts, I’ll usually go home and lay down in bed for 30ish minutes and then go play with the horses:

Im really stubborn and I take Tylenol maybe 1x a month.

I can ride for hours and feel fine, I lose feeling in my feet sometimes.

Now getting off a horse after riding I am so stiff I can barely walk. I limp and limp it’s like my hip locks up. Not sure if it’s related to my sacroiliitis or not (maybe I should have that looked into)

I haven’t had any imaging done, but it was originally diagnosed by a sports medicine doctor. I never considered a torn labrum. The support belt sounds like my next step — along with checking out the hip pain thread!

I will tell you that I had horrible hip pain and even coccyx pain from SI problems. Some days I could hardly walk because of the pain in my right hip. I did three things–took ibuprofen, slept on a McKenzie Night Roll fashioned very low down, and wore my SI belt strapped as tight as it would go. The pain was reduced immediately, and after two days it all went away–even the coccyx pain. The injection was about eighteen months previously.

I have to get a belt, that is for sure.

I broke my tailbone many years ago and it flares up if I ride my bike more than a few miles. Wonder if it’s tied in with my SI joint problems?

A new, good, unfortunately expensive mattress fixed the hell out of my SI pain.

What was the mattress?

An orthopedic mattress from the Original Mattress Factory. I don’t remember exactly which one, they have a few. It was one of their more expensive ones, which I was disinclined to buy because I’m cheap about stuff like that, but it sure made a huge difference.

Bauerfeind is a great brand, i have their knee braces and they’re great. I hadn’t seen their SI brace but it does look

interesting. I currently use the Back On Track back brace and sometimes I scooch it down lower to the SI area and

it does help a LOT. I’ve even slept in it because the warmth and heat relaxes that area also.

A heated mattress pad is also very, very helpful. You don’t have to run it on high, but I sleep on mine heated summer and winter, spring and fall. Mine is a cheap Sunbeam, and I set it for 3 in summer and 4 in winter.

Sorry to hijack, but have any of you been diagnosed with SI bone spurs? I’ve had chronic pain for years, managed but not cured by massage/chiropractic adjustments. I just changed chiropractors and got new xrays-- turns out I’ve got bone spurs in both SI joints.

A few months ago my whole lower back compressed when I landed after a jump-- no bad spot or drama, just took a normal 2’6 fence and it happened when I landed. Can’t help but wonder if the SI was involved, but thinking it probably was. Any of you had this problem and had to modify your riding (or expectations)?