SI Pain... I think?

I made an appointment with an orthodontist but they can’t get me in for a couple more weeks. Here’s my issue: I can twist my back one way and get my lower back to pop. However, I twist the other way and I can’t, for the life of me, get it to go… and I desperately need it to! If I’m lying down and stretch my left leg longer, it pulls on “the spot” in my back. I can pinpoint it… it hurts so good to massage the area, but it isn’t muscle. The “spot” on my left side is a depression… I’m assuming joint… and is about 2 fingers wide. I can feel a tendon or something fibrous running across it. Can’t find that on the right. The same place (not painful) on the right is only about a finger side. If I roll my pelvis around, it feels like bone on bone movement. Awful!

I’ve been to the chiropractor twice. The first time he cracked it pretty easily. The second time I went, it hurt like hell and he wasn’t able to fix it.

Anyone have any guesses about what’s going on? No known injury. It started bothering me 2+ months ago.

Read the hip pain thread and see if anything rings a bell

I am loling at “orthodontist” in your first sentence :wink:

That does sound like it might be your SI. It can lock up with arthritis, and sometimes injecting it is useful. But before going too far down the road with the doc, hit up a really GOOD massage person and see what they can do. There’s SO much muscle at play there, and tightness can really make you miserable.

Hope you find relief soon!!

I was puzzling over “orthodontist” in the original post as well. According to autocorrect, you will have lovely teeth, but your back pain will remain.

Sorry to tease, because I know how painful this can be. Best of luck for getting it resolved.


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LOL! My mistake, yes, orthopedist, not orthodontist!! Braces are long behind me! Will check out the hip pain thread and look for a masseuse.

To revive an old thread… I’ve had good luck working with a physical therapist on a locked SI joint. I experienced the same thing periodically, and could occasionally get it to unlock by leaning on my good side and swinging my bad leg back and forth until it popped- I think something about the extra weight pulling helped.

But my PT has mostly corrected the issue since. He started by really digging into some deep tissue to unlock it (moderately painful, but brief), and gave me a bunch of exercises to strengthen the area around it and it hasn’t been back for at least 6 months now.