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Sick horse symptom I'd never seen before --FYI

On Tuesday the horse named Hugh Jackman stopped eating his hay (still grazing on his lush pasture, so I wasn’t too worried). On Wednesday he began standing at his water tank for HOURS lapping the water like a dog (have a video, but no idea how to post one) --I thought, huh, something up with the tank --but checked it, cleaned it, refilled it --and still --lap, lap, lap.

On Thursday I called the vet and made an appointment for Friday --he said since horse was not in pain, was drinking water (and not dehydrated) and eating (loving that new green grass) there was no emergency --meanwhile, he had a few emergency calls that afternoon already . . .so Friday it was.

On Friday, vet came and watched my video of Hugh Jackman lap-lap-lapping the water. He took Hugh’s temperature and looked him over --he asked me to play the video again and said, “Watch his neck,” sure enough --when Hugh swallowed, he did a small jerk --every time --like he’d been poked with something sharp.

And the diagnosis? Sore throat! There’s a virus going around the Amish horses (I have Amish on 3 sides of my pasture) --some have it worse than others --sore throat, nasal discharge, fever. HJ had no nasal discharge, and no fever. Treatment is Banamine --by mouth --and put a little water on his food. He will be fine.

So if your horse laps water like a dog . . .consider a sore throat!


Wow, that is so interesting! I am kind of close to you I think (NW Indiana) so glad to know about this so I can keep an eye on my horses.


Jingling for Hugh
Hoping your other 3 don’t pick up the same virus


Possible —I am keeping an eye on them!

Very interesting! I’ve never heard of this before.

And ulcers. Lapping/playing can be a sign of ulcers. They want to drink but know it’s not going to feel good if they do.


Maybe ask your vet if you should start the others on antibiotics as a precaution ?

@Atlas_Shrugged --would probably fire my vet if he wasn’t astute enough to consider the other horses who are at my stable. He said that he “can’t vaccinate for this virus (note, virus --not treatable with antibiotics) as it is not identified at this time --so no vaccination exists.” He assured me that I am vaccinated for “everything” so all good or as good as I can do. The virus is mostly among the Amish horses --he’s seeing a lot of it --his practice is mainly cows and Amish horses —


Continued Jingles for Hugh & his herdmates!

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@2DogsFarm --Hugh and his bros are well. Rode Hugh today and practiced leg yields and shoulder in --at the walk —and collected and extended trots. --Hope Bugs is doing well --and Harley!

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My 3 are living their Best Lives.
Doing nothing! :laughing:
Glad yours are healthy, happy & Doing Stuff :+1:

Also stray voltage for the same reason.

Glad HJ is doing better, @Foxglove


I’d forgotten stray voltage even though I first learned of it about the same time I learned about lapping/playing as an ulcer symptom and had encountered it in a dairy barn not that many years ago.

@Texarkana --first thing I did was check for stray voltage —then opened his chops and looked for a problem in his mouth . …he’s doing great. This is my second year with him (daughter dropped him off when he was cut from her 3-Day program). First year I was really intimidated by him (he’s huge 18.2 hh/1500) —this year, with a new dressage instructor, we are clicking! I want to apologize to him for having trust issues last year . . .


Oh, I wasn’t implying that’s what was going on! Just throwing it out there after I saw Sasha mentioned other causes, especially since I’ve been dealing with it since we moved on to our farm. We can’t find the source.

Wow this is really interesting, I would have never thought sore throat was an issue.

There is something similar going around Ontario Canada. A lot of people immediately are throwing up arms at ‘strangles’, which I get but it seems to be clearing up within a couple days with no other symptoms.

So glad he is feeling better :heart:

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I’d make sure the vet wears gloves and something over his boots if he is treating sick Amish horses perhaps?

If my vet didn’t know enough to wear gloves and something over his boots, he wouldn’t be my vet. He has water/disinfectant on his truck and he and his assistant thoroughly wash boots and hands before entering my barn.