SideBar Ads Won't Quit...

How can I get those noisy loud sidebar ads to go away? I can’t even view a thread for a minute and they turn on. I hate them. Thanks.

I utterly despise all ads which suddenly start playing sound. I understand their purpose, but they are a serious turnoff. It’s not just this site, it happens a lot of places now. On my desktop I just keep my volume muted so I never have to listen, BUT, regardless of whether they have sound, they do start to affect performance, which is ridiculous.


Not really a COTH issue but I detest all the ad and news sites that immediately start playing a video with audio as soon as you get to the page.

I used to listen to music on my desktop but now I don’t as I have the sound perpetually muted :frowning:

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Do any of you have and ad block on your browsers? I put one on firefox the other day and there are no ads showing, let alone annoying videos. Wonderful!

It does appear that Apple plans on addressing auto-play ads and ad/content blocking in ‘High Sierra’ (10.13) which is in public beta test and scheduled for Fall 2017 release (no actual date yet).

On the fence now whether to install the Ad Blocker for Safari or wait until High Sierra which appears to be accomplishing the same things but with a different strategy.

As this is my primary machine, don’t plan on installing a beta release :slight_smile: I like the features but not enough to want to mess up the system I use every day. :slight_smile:

I should not have to install ad block to be able to use the site. The YANKING of my browser back up to the ad when I’m trying to read a thread is not only annoying, it’s unethical - until you fix this I can no longer use your site and so won’t see ANY ads.

My point is that I shouldn’t HAVE to download this to use the site. This particular ad structure is bad design and bad advertising (in that it’s driving people away). I know how to use adblocker, and if I browsed more forums or sites (besides my work e-mail, the university’s library website, and this site) I might feel it justified.

And I don’t mean to sound so snarky - I appreciate the help to deal with this, and in fact did that when this particular ad started appearing, but it shouldn’t be such an issue. When you have to deal with a third-party software program to use a site, the site needs a redesign. I understand having ads, and actually don’t mind them for the most part (I’ve found out about some products I wouldn’t hear about otherwise through this site), but this one particular ad is making people batty.

I agree so no offense taken. But for my own sanity I did the ad blocker app. I visit other forms and they don’t have the issues this site has.

Yeah, I downloaded the adblocker when this first surfaced (you’re right - I do participate in a couple of other more “targeted” academic forums and have no issues with those. Facebook (which I use occasionally) is another bad one, but there just isn’t any need for it to be like this. I teach usability testing and might even use this site as an example of poor design next semester :stuck_out_tongue:

I visit some news sites and have the same issue with pages reloading when first visiting the page as the outlet seems to think I want to see the auto-play ad+video :rolleyes:

It isn’t just here.

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I was having the same issues with a Humira ad this morning, and I completely agree that it makes the site almost impossible to use and is incredibly frustrating. I had already made the developers aware of the issue and provided further information when I experienced it myself.

Thanks and our apologies.
Mod 1


Thank you SO much for listening. And I have taken Humira in the past, so don’t need to see the ads :stuck_out_tongue:

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thatsmoody… I was waiting for someone to say I shouldn’t be complaining about a potentially useful drug ad :smiley:

@Moderator 1 thanks for the update. I can only speak for me but it does help to know that you see the same things so I know the collective hasn’t lost our marbles :slight_smile:

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Yeah! I am surprised I was the first to vent and it made a difference. Thank you!

The developers have been looking into it and found that’s it’s an issue on other sites as well as ours. We’re talking with the advertising department re: our options.

Thanks crew. :slight_smile:

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