Looking at an upper level dressage horse. X-rays reveal side bones. My vet is not concerned.
I have no experience with this. I know what they are(google to the rescue)….
Any experiences?
One of my mares has sidebone. She’s a jumper and it hasn’t limited her in any way.
To me, Sidebone is one of those things that if the horse is working sound at the job I want it to do, I would likely not worry too much about.
How big? I’d want to know what (likely) caused it, since it really doesn’t tend to happen in feet that have been in balance. It CAN, it’s just not typical
That said, until sidebone becomes pretty large, which tends to be with feet that are out of balance enough, for long enough, it’s usually not a problem for soundness because it doesn’t impact joints
A lot of horses probably have some small bit of sidebone and nobody knows because they’re not xraying the feet. When it’s small, you really can’t detect it (well) just from looking
my girl has massive sidebones on both fronts. these have never caused her issue, but i went into the transaction to purchase her (and was able to negotiate accordingly) that they could. my understanding is two possibilities are that they whack them and break them or they grow enough to rub on a nerve.
Well, if he becomes mine, his feet won’t be out of balance. They look good now and he’s been in a quality barn for the last 6 months or so.
Thanks for your input.