There’s a horse at the barn that appears to have “sidewinder”. It became obvious just a couple of days ago and the owner’s vet (who didn’t come out) said it sounded like “sidewinder”. I never heard of that before.
The horse is a 23 yr old g, long since retired, but has lost a lot of weight recently. Is treated already for Cushings. Pretty much, the horse’s balance is really bad and he walks kind of in haunches-in. At feeding, he looks like he wants to go to his bucket and hay but also looks like he really has to work to coordinate his body to get there. It came on really quickly so is likely the neurological form.
Anyone with experience with this? The vet upped the Cushings meds and said it “may or may not work”. From what I’m reading, it’s likely not going to resolve. I’d like to know other peoples’ experience with this awful condition. Thank you.