Sigh - more designer breeds

wow - I did not know that - I was literally told that this cross bred dog was now classed as a wire haired visla. I had no idea that there was an actual breed already.

I don’t believe them to be ‘random’ crosses but literally trying to breed a good family dog for hunting in tough conditions (e.g. North dakota in december - not for wimps).

We have an SM - who is a perfect dog for us…

Thank you. I was dying inside and didn’t have polite words, you and @GoodTimes took care of it nicer than my thoughts were going. :smiley:

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Ok - so I stepped into google search dog cross hell. Yes - there is a “thing” called a wire haired vizsla - not to be confused with the real wire haired vizsla - that is called a wire haired vizsla which is a cross between the griffon and the vizsla. But then there is the golden vizsla, the vizla-doodle, and the list goes on. I did NOT need to know this.

My apologies to the real wire haired viszla dogs and breeders…

Why? what is the need for this (totally rhetorical question) as I am a very happy owner of one purebred and one rescue mutt (who I get asked about constantly about her breeding).


We inherited a peke-a-poo from my grandma after she passed over 50 years ago. She had been gi en the dog by one of my older cousins who didn’t have time for her. Lovely little lap dog. I’m sure she didn’t cost what they do now, but the mix has been around for a long time.

$10 says that cross was done JUST to sell them under this cutesy name. Because otherwise, you might as well cross a shetland with a friesian and hope for the best of both worlds.


I sure it was, but what I’m saying is that the poodle cross thing isn’t a new thing. I think it’s exploded because you can’t find cute fluffy puppies for free or at your local shelter anymore. If there’s a need, there will be a supply.


Many years ago I was standing in line at the supermarket behind two women who were talking to each other. One had had a oops litter of puppies because her bitch wasn’t spayed and was allowed to run loose in the neighborhood. To get rid of the puppies, she’d gotten the bright idea to call the owner of the local pet store to see if he wanted them and he came to have a look.
“I was so surprised,” she said. “He told me they’re cockapoos and he can sell them! I had no idea my Trixie was a cockapoo.”
When there was a break in the conversation, I asked the woman if Trixie was a Poodle. No. I asked if she was a Cocker. Also no.

For as long as there have been mixed breed dogs, there’ve been people purposely mislabeling them to make them more saleable.

I have a friend who has a “micro mini goldendoodle” she paid a lot of money for. (Apparently the “micro” part makes the dog really special.) Speaking as a former Miniature Poodle breeder, the dog looks just like an ungroomed pet quality Mini Poodle to me.


It’s sad that my friend who breeds Dalmatians (with confirmation and performance titles and health testing etc.galore), joke that if we bred my GSD to one of her Dalmatians we could make a ton of money selling Germanations!


I was at a “Pet Expo” right after the remake of “101 Dalmations” came out. The Dalmation Club had a booth there, and were pretty much strenuously trying to discourage 99% of the people who inquired from getting a Dal.
(At the time, I boarded at a place where the owner had 8 of them, so I was very sympathetic to the poor Dal people.)


My friend did not breed at all during that craze.

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Here’s one:

A Kangol x Malinois taken from an illegal pot farm. All the local dog trainers are waiting by the phone.

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That sounds mildly terrifying :flushed:

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Sounds majorly terrifying to me.


That’s one I would stay far away from. Wow. I just watched a trainer’s videos and he got a question from a person that has a Cane Corso X Neapolitan Mastiff that he cannot get within 2-3 meters of if the dog is given a marrow bone. So you get a dog that’s gonna have 600-700 PSI bite pressure, can fit its jaws around an adult’s thigh, and weight somewhere between 150-200 lbs and do NOT train the dog that you are the owner of all food items and can giveth and taketh away at will? Then you let it get away with running you off if it decides it doesn’t want you near its bone? Some people really need to consider what kind of dog they can handle. I don’t let my sister’s Shihtz-poo get away with resource guarding or food aggression, there’s no way I’d let a LARGE breed puppy develop that habit!


Yep, he was bred and trained to kill anyone who got near the illegal grow.

Agreed, cockapoos and peke-a-poos were popular pets when I was a GenX kid (and the ones I knew were all awesome little dogs). And “popular” meant if you bought a Sunday newspaper and looked in the classified ads, you’d usually find one litter of puppies being listed for sale. :grin:


Cockapoos have been around a long time. I really dont know what the thinking was. Anyway, I knew someone who had one and lived on a farm. New help on farm arrived. She had a female cockapoo and he had a male cocker. Surprise! Puppies! (More surprises, the humans eventually married) But once they found they could sell those puppies they deliberately bred them again. Some of them they ended up “wholesaling” to a pet store.

I got one from the first litter (my first dog once I finished college) and knew someone who got a littermate. Mine, Muppett, looked like a small buff cocker, but smaller with odd cotton-candy like hair. Her littermate looked like a black miniature poodle with lots of curly heavy fur. F2 is unpredictable! Muppett was, as my mom would say, the Mary Poppins of puppies “practically perfect in every way”. Moved with me many times and was super smart. I learned about chaining behaviors and eventually could tell her “go to bed” and she would go to the bedroom, pull the towel tied to the doorknob to close the door, jump on the bed, pull the chain to turn out the light and lay down. I once totaled up about 38 commands that she understood.


I had a cockapoo who just passed. I varied between calling her the world’s sweetest dog and the world’s dumbest dog. She was certainly happy, if not as trainable as our full poodle.

This came up on a FB group I belong to. It’s so appropriate to this thread, I just had to share.


They’ll cross a poodle with anything these days…

Apologies if this has already been shared in this thread. Saw it on Instagram and thought it was perfect.