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‘Sigh’ trading in my covid free card

After 2 years it finally got me. First my dad was positive and two days later I’m now sick. A little concerning since I have a chronic lung condition

Anyone who’s had, recovery time?


Feel better soon!


Oh no! I got it for the first time 3-4 weeks. It was about five days for the majority of it (fever, exhaustion, congestion). I have a bit of a lingering cough still.

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I hope you get better quickly but be careful, don’t rush things

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With all the variants everyone will have it sooner or later. At least there are treatments now if you catch it fast enough. Just take it easy and listen to your body and how you feel. Don’t push it.

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So sorry! Hubby and I had it a month ago, we weren’t that sick mostly like a bad cold. It didn’t get in our lungs but I had a cough for a couple weeks. Be careful though maybe you should take the medicine?


Symptons started Monday night, Tested positive on Tuesday. Taking Paxlovid and feeling almost well today. Just a tiny sore throat remaining. Tuesday was bad-fever, congestion, cough, very tired. Wednesday better and much better today. Don’t know if the Paxlovid helped, but can’t hurt, but it leaves a nasty taste in your mouth!

Good luck and feel better soon!


Thanks everyone, today was definitely tougher then yesterday but not terrible, most notable is just feeling extremely weak. Basically just staying in bed and sleeping/binging shows lol

I was wicked sick for three days, slightly less than wicked sick for another 7 then felt like garbage for another month… Back to normal now…


I’m glad your back to normal

Yeah todays been tough, woke up the sickest I’ve been. Looks like another lazy day in bed lol

Hang in there, don’t try to be a hero, I always try to muscle through things. I simply couldn’t with Covid. I just had to give in and do nothing.

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I thought I was exposed last week. I went to get new glasses and one of the employees had a terrible terrible cough. The office staff was disinfecting all the eye glasses that people had handled and had a station with hand sanitizer. For an area that has returned to life as normal, where no one wears masks, or takes precautions, it made me very uncomfortable. I thought for sure I would catch it from the coughing guy, but never felt sick. I even took one of the home tests, but it was negative. I don’t know if that means the vaccines worked, or maybe he was not contagious. Or maybe he has a lung disease and they are disinfecting everything to protect him. Who knows?

My friend was exposed to covid twice. The first time she was mildly sick. The second time she had no symptoms at all despite direct exposure to her sick family members. She’s vaccinated so that adds protection.

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Today was really rough, went to urgent care but don’t qualify for antivirals because of my weight (low from cf)
Super duper weak, but I have heard day 3 sucks so hopefully tomorrow is brighter

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Covid day 4, major improvement!!!
No fever, barely a cough, no high heart rate, a little bit tired and weak but thats it besides a weird brain fog off and on

I think I might be over the hump


I just tested positive this morning symptoms started last night. We’ve stayed Covid free until now it’s disappointing. Hoping it stays feeling like a bad cold

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Hope you get better soon and it’s mild!

This one is back and forth, regressed today

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Hope you feel better soon.

It got into our family last week. Possibly though my nephews who spend a few days here every week (co-parenting situation) 2 tested positive, as did my sibling. I immediately withdrew to the island of Elba … errr, my room and haven’t ventured out since except to go to the barn and I take the garage out since it’s close to the stairs. My dad tested positive and is still testing positive. I’ve been negative on my PCR and my at-home tests.

Continuing to hope I don’t get it.


I’m a horrible person because I tested positive first and I was sitting in the bedroom kinda hoping my fiancé was positive too so I wouldn’t be stuck in one room :joy: turns out the timing of when he started feeling something means he gave it to me so now I can rib him for that too.

Last night was awful the joint pain/aching was so bad my eyes wouldn’t stop watering for a few hours. Today it’s a bit better I’ve accomplished a bubble bath and a long nap. Work said take the time I need, my fiancé gets the week off he’s local gov so they don’t want him in the office. I’m remote so I can work some as I feel better so I don’t blow all of my pto


Hope all of you get better soon!

About a week since first symptoms and besides some brain fog and tiredness, covid has left!!
Feel back 80% :smiley:

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Since you can’t take the antivirals, can they give you the monoclonal antibodies? Remdesivir is one of them, but I think there are others now also.

ETA: I’m sorry I got to this thread late (as usual :roll_eyes:). So happy you’re feeling so much better. Jingles for being at 100% very soon! :kissing_heart:

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