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Sitting the lope

Have a new horse that has much more suspension in her gaits that prior beastie that had very flat, comfortable gaits to ride. I am having trouble sitting the lope without pumping.

Suggestions please…

Longe lessons, some without stirrups?


Practice relaxing your body and following all movements of the horse. Start at the walk. Feel your hip lift and rotate as the horse’s hind leg on that side lifts and steps forward. You’ll probably be surprised.


I agree with this approach. If you start out exaggerating the rocking motion of the gate, you will gradually settle into the rhythm. This is easier to do if there is a long open stretch where you can let the horse run - like a field or a track. In an arena corners tend to interrupt the rhythm.

The current thread “not tight in the tack” has a lot of good methods that will help sit the lope or any other gait/activity.

Do you have a link? The one I found was more of a discussion of what it was, rather than how to correct it.

I feel you, my long backed appendix has a wide rocking movement at canter, just try to relax and follow the rythm. I found that the first times I was anticipating the movement because I was used to my previous horse and I bounced a lot, you just need to build a muscular memory of his movement