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Skin condition - skin rub, texture

I have a chestnut OTTB with sensitive skin. Lately, he has been getting hives with fly bites, heat changes, shavings, ect. The most recent out of the ordinary, is he has been getting these spots that are literally bare skin, almost like the hair was rubbed off. Around bridle/halter area, poll, eyes, ears, temple, the most sensitive areas. The bridle nor halter is rubbing him, weve tried different halters and bridles with rub guards so i dont understand whats cuasing this. He also has these spots on his chest, and now my the front side of his upper front legs.

I’ve seen this with sensitive horses, it’s almost like they’re allergic to their own sweat? Not sure if that’s correct from a technical sense, but hosing or sponging off the sweaty bits, especially where the skin is thin, seems to help a lot.