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SleekEZ - does anyone have one?

They look pretty cool:

My riding buddy has one and I tried it the other day when I rode one of her horses for her (a Fjord so imagine how much hair!!). Work great. I’ve already ordered one for me :slight_smile:

My friend just got one and I tried it out…it’s GREAT! Fits perfectly in your hand and gets out a ton of hair. I tried it on my mare who’d already been done with a curry and shedding blade and huge clumps of hair came out. I’ll be getting one ASAP!

Yes, I got one the first year they came out and liked it quite a lot. They are also pretty easy to replicate with a block of wood and hacksaw blade of the appropriate size. Mr. CH did this for me, using the one I bought as a model.

I have done the same as Coloredhorse and use a hacksaw blade. I also use a shedmonster shedding tool for long haired dogs that the horses LOVE LOVE LOVE
