Slow feed for chopped forage?

I have looked in the old threads and many of the linked products are no longer available. Has anyone found a good way to slow feed the chopped forage that comes in a bag. I have an IR horse who also has fecal water syndrome (yay good times). Chopped forage helps his belly, but he will scarf it down if it’s in a tub.


Years ago. I mean a decade. I had an IR pony who ate chopped forage. I recall buying a type of sports / soccer kind of net and making a slow feed bag. I just couldn’t make the horse dedicated slow feed nets work.

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These will hold chopped forage. They are difficult to get hay out of, just FYI. These also work really well for goats that waste hay.

Looks very similar to the sized holes of my make shift net. I think mine might have been 1 inch but chopped forage is usually a couple of inches long. Nice find! I like the solid back less waste

Oh my bad. Isn’t solid in the back bit the hole size looks appropriate!

Here’s a 1x1 but I am not familiar with the net. Just similar hole size to my makeshift net.

There are lots of brands, this is just an example -

This one is designed for chopped forage, not sure if it’s available in the US though.


That is a great find! And looks like they will ship to the USA.

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I feed normally feed our hindgut horse out of a slow feed bag with (iirc) 1 1/2" mesh. Then he went on stall rest and I had to slow him down even more. Now I fill a net with 1" holes and then stuff it into the bag. He’s basically made his own Shake & Graze, because there’s no way in hell I can keep the bag attached to his stall wall, but it works!

i decided to try this one. i’ll report back. i’ll have to put a tub under it because he is on a dry lot when not stalled and I don’t want him ingesting sand. i’ll report back on my success or failure.

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