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Slow feeder for soaked hay pellets?

I have a mare in her 20s fully retired. Recently due to teeth issues the vet suggested she switch to a half hay and half soaked hay pellet diet. She’s finishing everything now when before she was leaving about half her hay. I’m giving her the recommended amount after talking to the vet, and she’s even put back on the weight she lost while figuring out what was wrong. Vets happy with her weight and she looks good.
The problem is she’s finishing her meals faster now. Unfortunately there’s no option currently to split her meals into smaller feedings so I’m looking for a way to slow down her eating. I’m not sure how to go about this since it’s soaked hay pellets. Any suggestions would help.

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They market a slow feeder that should help.

Link to slow feeder

Another option it to toss in some large (enough to not be ingested) rocks that your horse has to eat around.

Edit to add:
Here is another style of slow feeder that is much cheaper and it looks like an easy add to some buckets.

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I think you do need something that doles the pellets out. I have one that dispenses over 24 hours, used it for years and keeps my wave mouth happy.