Slow to post, notice shows up:

This morning posting is slow and some posts get a warning that something was wrong and “administration has been notified”.
Then page gets stuck, have to exit COTH and when trying again, post was there, so it did go thru?

Happen several times.
No other problems.
See if this post goes thru without a hitch.

On a Mac laptop running Catalina update.

Yep, this one went thru very fast and no interruption.

Same here on IPad today.

Oh, good, I cleaned cookies, etc. and it still was happening.
Not sure it may not have been on my end.
Guess not, if others had the same little glitch.

Right now is hit and miss, some posts slow to post, others whizzing by, practically instantly posting.
Have not had a repeat of the warning tab on the slow ones.

This one posted immediately.

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I have had this same problem today too.

Boring PC with Google Chrome.

Boy, it was back and bad this time, would not even run when entering back after stalling.

This is what came up, on a window with EDITING POST, which I was not editing, it was first time posting:

“There has been a database error, and the current page cannot be displayed. Site staff have been notified.”

Has not played tricks at all today, all working fine.

Guess the little computer gremlins working behind the scene fixed it all, again?

Thank you.

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It is back to being very slow today for me.

Me to

Me three.

Seems that the site is fighting hordes of spambots.
Several keep getting thru, some more sophisticated than ever.

I wonder if that is what is slowing the page changes?

Me four. Sometimes the loads are fine and other times just very slow…


Rest of the evening it has been posting just fine for me, no more slow, grey half pages, but zippy changes.

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