Small (but big!) update

Two weeks from today I have my disability hearing. Over the last few weeks I have gotten some very good (?maybe?) reviews of my condition by 2 ‘new’ orthopedist Drs. Both agree that there is no way I could work… and put it in writing.

My attorney says that there will be no issue…The hearing will fall in my favor.

The best part is one of the doctors saiys that after the determination goes through and I get insurance (medicare/ medicade) there are a few things he can/will do to make my life less painful… and that…

I WILL ride again!!

He is not a horseman, but he knows just how beneficial riding is to body AND mind.

With my birthday this month I think I will get one of the best gifts that I could hope for!

Well this is good news !

There is nothing like being around horses I tell you !

Gosh it seems inhumane to tell someone you can make their pain better as soon as they get insurance. I hope the two weeks pass quickly.

Now you have something to really look forward to! :slight_smile:

Thats great! I ended up sending a complaint to the PM of canada, i was denied and the reason they gave was like no one even read the application. I mean its not rocket science that ra is degenerative and effects my ability to work

Colour me confused, but if they can do something for you to reduce your pain enough to do a physical activity like riding, why wouldn’t you be able to go back to work? :confused:

Gosh it seems inhumane to tell someone you can make their pain better as soon as they get insurance. I hope the two weeks pass quickly.[/QUOTE]

Well… He had told me he had some things he could do to help me a lot… I told him that I had been unemployed for over 2 years and had no insurance, but that when the disability went through I would then be able to come back.

The pain is not the reason for seeking a disability determination. I have hardware in my back, and about 2 years ago it was discovered that the scar tissue over at least one of the screw heads has broken loose. The muscle that goes over that area is constantly being aggravated. I suffer from sever muscle spasms when ever I try to do anything for very long (5 to 10 min). The medicine I have to take makes me me mentally unable to concentrate as is need in the work environment. I attempted 3 different types of employment (over a year) besides what I did before the injury before having to be ‘forced’ to apply for disability by my family.

Please understand that to me riding is going to be sitting on my mare and walking for about 15 to 20 min. It will never be much more than that, and it will not be without consequences. Sitting on a horse even for 5 min is worth it to me.

and did you get anywhere? Since health is a provincial matter, writing to the Premier of Ontario may get you more action, although I doubt it.

and did you get anywhere? Since health is a provincial matter, writing to the Premier of Ontario may get you more action, although I doubt it.[/QUOTE]

They have forewarded it to the minister of health, i applied to the federal program first. Then i am waiting for ontario to make a appt for theirs.

Just a quick update to say that my hearing went favorably. Judge granted full disability. Still got to get the payments and insurance started, but sure is nice not having to worry about it.

This must be such a relief for you.